GEON6mo ago

fm-h pcb problem

works with tweezers but shits the bed with switches
10 Replies
Irithylli6mo ago
@Gondolindrim Hi Gondo, sorry for the ping. Do you have any clues to how this might be resolved? Thank you! froggyHeart
Gondolindrim6mo ago
Not sure what "shits the bed" actually means I will assume it means it does not work If the PCB works with tweezers than chances are it's not hardware damage Rather something is shorting the PCB on the back What happens if the PCB is not on a surface? From the video it seems all switches enact their respective column, which also points towards a short
7ucass.6mo ago
it does the same thing when its not on my desk i tried looking on the back to see if there was anything out of the ordinary but all the diodes and stuff seem to be there
Gondolindrim6mo ago
But it works ok with tweezers?
7ucass.6mo ago
i can get a normal acutation with tweezers but sometimes if i contact the socket in just the right way it will short like with the switches
Gondolindrim6mo ago
I need more info here As for something shorting the PCB it can range from dust to solder flux IPA cleaning is the sure fire way to know Then again, if you get normal actuation from switches there is a very low chance it's a hardware fault In negative case, the first step would be to try clearing EEPROM -- press and hold escape, plug PCB in, wait some 10s and unplug-replug If that doesn't do, reflashing
7ucass.6mo ago
just went over it with some ipa and also did a reflash still the same
Gondolindrim6mo ago
Get some time, let's video call I want to see this
7ucass.6mo ago
i can tmrw around 4pst?
Gondolindrim6mo ago
DM me Today isn't the best day
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