C#6mo ago

Using LiveCharts 2 in Avalonia

I'm new to Avalonia and am trying to use livecharts. Been using "https://livecharts.dev/docs/Avalonia/2.0.0-rc2/Overview.Installation" but when I use " <lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding Series}"> </lvc:CartesianChart> " it says "Cannot parse a compiled binding without an explicit x:DataType directive to give a starting data type for bindings". If there is an easier way to make graphs in avalonia lmk.
3 Replies
Buddy6mo ago
This is an avalonia issue, not the graph library just set the x:DataType property for your window / view
Dyl_Pickle886mo ago
Just figured somebody'd say "Oh live charts is trash, use X instead, its way easier/better/whateevr" That worked for me! Thank you I think I originally made my project without mvvn or whatever so it wasnt using view models top begin with