Repeater with relationship and group by

Hi i am trying to use repeater in a form schema. Where i would like to group by a column name. Sample code: Repeater::make('cash_out') ->schema([ Placeholder::make('month') ->label('') ->content(static fn ($state) => $state), Placeholder::make('total') ->label('') ->content(static fn ($state) => $state), ]) ->relationship('cash', function ($query){ return $query->select('month') ->selectRaw('SUM(amount) as total') ->groupBy('month'); }) ->columns(1),
1 Reply
afiq5936mo ago
I am hoping that it would return a list of distinct month from month column and sum of amount. But this code only returns 1 value from month column. Example, having March, April, May will only returns May with its correctly sum of amount column.