C#7mo ago

✅ Ubuntu + Dotnet

Is anyone using Linux Ubuntu and dotnet? I can't seem to install any version, or rather I can install it, create project with it and whatever, but when Nuget seems to be involved it gets stuck for 10 or so minutes and then it fails with FatalProtocolException . Has anyone any clue on how to solve this? I can access https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json through my browser and also curl perfectly fine Tried it through ubuntu apt repository (dotnet 7), microsoft repository (dotnet 8) and also the dotnet-install script. All same thing
23 Replies
RD Dev
RD Dev7mo ago
Check your internet and firewall
Joellao7mo ago
No firewall, it's my pc basically in a VM. I'm using it so I can decouple the coding environment
RD Dev
RD Dev7mo ago
Oh ok Ensure VM connectivity is solid
Joellao7mo ago
No packet losses, several internet checks, speedtests, downloads and all are going just fine
RD Dev
RD Dev7mo ago
Check VM's network stability or retry using HTTP
Joellao7mo ago
Worked with Java and Maven, those work without any problem What you mean by http?
RD Dev
RD Dev7mo ago
Change package source URL to use "http://" instead of "https://".
Joellao7mo ago
Oh already tried that
No description
Joellao7mo ago
Gets stack on that for like 10-15 mins and that's all
RD Dev
RD Dev7mo ago
I don't know then. I used Linux once. Consider reaching out Microsoft support of .NET Community (This is .net community i think) I tried to help
Joellao7mo ago
Yep. thanks anyway, maybe someone has encountered this before. I want even try to create a new vm just for the sake of it
life grinder
life grinder7mo ago
i have no problems with centos and ubuntu
Joellao7mo ago
Whhat version of ubuntu u have?
life grinder
life grinder7mo ago
im not at work i don't remember, i should check probably 21 or 22
lycian7mo ago
can you do the restore/install with -v diag to enable more diagnostics? Might give a better clue at what is getting stuck
Joellao7mo ago
Sure, here you have a pastebin with a few lines from the end https://pastebin.com/raw/gMNEPU8t
lycian7mo ago
it just hangs after that task?
Joellao7mo ago
Yes it's stuck there since 5 min more or less It produced 5.5k of lines
lycian7mo ago
this is happening on all projects/solutions, or just a specific one?
Joellao7mo ago
All projects, I can't even do dotnet new webapi because it stucks on Determining projects to restore..
lycian7mo ago
hmm, a little out of scope for my knowledge unfortunately 😦 I'd go file an issue on the NuGet github to see if they have more insight
Joellao7mo ago
I just tried a new fresh installation with ubuntu 23... it's working like a charm :/ I have to redo every configuration that I did on the corrupted VM now Thanks for your help anyway, really appreciated that you took some time for this issue
lycian7mo ago
Best of luck!
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