C#6mo ago

Does anyone know how to fix the last part of this code?

while (true) { var frame = videoReader.ReadVideoFrame(); if (frame == null) break; for (int i = 0; i < interpolationFactor; i++) videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(frame); frame.Dispose(); } there are 2 errors in video.Reader.ReadVideoFrame(); and videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(frame); Does anyone know how to fix it?
3 Replies
Kapeć6mo ago
im new to programming so there might be more mistakes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
cap5lut6mo ago
errors usually give useful information to what went wrong, so depending on the error people who dont know the library (like me) might be able to help, and people knowing the library would probably ask regarding the errors first too. can u show the exact error messages?
Angius6mo ago
What are the errors?
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