Positioning record checkbox in contentGrid

Hi all, i have a table that are displaying all the data in grid by using contentGrid. Wanted to know if i can position the record checkbox to right side of the grid? Some example codes.
return $table
'md' => 3,
'xl' => 4
->recordUrl(null) // to disable table row clickable.
->defaultSort('created_at', 'desc')
// all the components..
return $table
'md' => 3,
'xl' => 4
->recordUrl(null) // to disable table row clickable.
->defaultSort('created_at', 'desc')
// all the components..
based on documentation, i can change the checkbox position either BeforeCells or AfterCells, but seems like it wont work if i have a Stack layout wrapping all the components.
3 Replies
dwong986mo ago
In depth, the code above rendered this view.
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dwong986mo ago
when i removed the stack and let the components be in columns(), i have this view. Am i using the layout correctly?
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dwong986mo ago