C#6mo ago

Does this UML diagram look normal?

I am a self taught developer and I designed a simple UML diagram for the flow of a website. Does my design look like a typical UML diagram or is it totally wrong.
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2 Replies
Bailey6mo ago
Hi, Imo no.
What you have done is made an overview of requirements. the following is maybe helpfull: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF4yg1yFrdU he explains the different diagrams and try to determen what kind of diagram you want to make and then find a good vid. But I must be honest, this is not an expertise from me
Ave Coders
All UML Diagrams in 10 minutes
Ave Coders! And welcome to the UML course for beginners. We will look into the most widely used diagrams, their basic notation, and applications. Each diagram that we will study in this course will be supported with a practical example of a system or a situation that can be modeled with its help. UML is a powerful tool in the programmer’s toolk...
gwon82666mo ago
Thank you very much. I will check it out