Filament6mo ago


I've attached two pictures , can someone help me with this I'm trying so hard to change their colors using different classes but nothing works . In first picture I'm trying to change side border which has a default color and in 2nd pic I'm trying to change light blue color in dropdown list . I really need to know how to use right classes for these ty.
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87 Replies
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
Where do you use the class?
Noor6mo ago
theme.css Its this when I inspect 1st picture
<tr x-bind:class="{
'hidden': false &amp;&amp; isGroupCollapsed(''),
'bg-gray-50 dark:bg-white/5': isRecordSelected('1364'),
'[&amp;>*:first-child]:relative [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:absolute [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:start-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:inset-y-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:w-0.5 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:bg-primary-600 [&amp;>*:first-child]:dark:before:bg-primary-500': isRecordSelected('1364'),
}" class="fi-ta-row [@media(hover:hover)]:transition [@media(hover:hover)]:duration-75 hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-white/5 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-white/5 [&amp;>*:first-child]:relative [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:absolute [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:start-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:inset-y-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:w-0.5 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:bg-primary-600 [&amp;>*:first-child]:dark:before:bg-primary-500 __web-inspector-hide-shortcut__" wire:key="vcT8ps8wUCRQnj9bc9Ru.table.records.1364">
<tr x-bind:class="{
'hidden': false &amp;&amp; isGroupCollapsed(''),
'bg-gray-50 dark:bg-white/5': isRecordSelected('1364'),
'[&amp;>*:first-child]:relative [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:absolute [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:start-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:inset-y-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:w-0.5 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:bg-primary-600 [&amp;>*:first-child]:dark:before:bg-primary-500': isRecordSelected('1364'),
}" class="fi-ta-row [@media(hover:hover)]:transition [@media(hover:hover)]:duration-75 hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-white/5 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-white/5 [&amp;>*:first-child]:relative [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:absolute [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:start-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:inset-y-0 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:w-0.5 [&amp;>*:first-child]:before:bg-primary-600 [&amp;>*:first-child]:dark:before:bg-primary-500 __web-inspector-hide-shortcut__" wire:key="vcT8ps8wUCRQnj9bc9Ru.table.records.1364">
<td class="fi-ta-cell p-0 first-of-type:ps-1 last-of-type:pe-1 sm:first-of-type:ps-3 sm:last-of-type:pe-3 w-1">
<div class="px-3 py-4">
<td class="fi-ta-cell p-0 first-of-type:ps-1 last-of-type:pe-1 sm:first-of-type:ps-3 sm:last-of-type:pe-3 w-1">
<div class="px-3 py-4">
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
I don't know, why do you need this type of edit. But the filament recommendation to use the filament theme. Also I don't have the idea, where do you find the theme.css.
Noor6mo ago
It's in the documentation
Noor6mo ago
yes but if you want to override what filament is already using .. you do it with theme.css
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
Oh! so you are making a custom theme.
Noor6mo ago
yes so I need help to change those colors I showed in pictures
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
Your question isn't clear. Are you finding the color code? or How to use the color to your theme??
Noor6mo ago
I'm looking for the right class to change default color I've mentioned it I'm not looking for color code or use color to theme ... I've changed everything only these two are trouble for me.
Matthew6mo ago
@Noor Did you run npm run build?
Noor6mo ago
Matthew6mo ago
Any output?
Noor6mo ago
how to find specific class to change these features that's what I know .. I'm pretty sure I'm using wrong class from here what class can i use or what element can i use to change color of side line showd in 1st picture
Matthew6mo ago
what do you mean sideline? The dropdown?
Noor6mo ago
No description
Noor6mo ago
the blue line when you check the box I want it to be orange and I couldn't find the right class to change it
Matthew6mo ago
ohh, how do you get this?
Noor6mo ago
well I need to change that too
Matthew6mo ago
from table?
Noor6mo ago
yes I used fi-ta-row and fi-ta-cell it didn't worked
Matthew6mo ago
I dont know how you got the line thing Ive never seen it before. But do this:
Noor6mo ago
its by default in app
Matthew6mo ago
ctrl + shift + I
Matthew6mo ago
select this (left)
No description
Matthew6mo ago
Click on the line, and show me html
Noor6mo ago
which line?
Matthew6mo ago
The line you want to change the color of
Noor6mo ago
No description
Noor6mo ago
No description
Matthew6mo ago
Good, now take all those classes, paste them in the theme css (with the "." in front) change the background color. Save npm run build
Noor6mo ago
not working
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
I'm pretty sure that, you're doing something that not required. This code can change the all the colors of filament theme. Where don't need to find the exact class. or any custom theme.
use Filament\Panel;
use Filament\Support\Colors\Color;

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
'danger' => Color::Rose,
'gray' => Color::Gray,
'info' => Color::Blue,
'primary' => Color::Indigo,
'success' => Color::Emerald,
'warning' => Color::Orange,
use Filament\Panel;
use Filament\Support\Colors\Color;

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
'danger' => Color::Rose,
'gray' => Color::Gray,
'info' => Color::Blue,
'primary' => Color::Indigo,
'success' => Color::Emerald,
'warning' => Color::Orange,
Noor6mo ago
Yes but I'm using different colors on dark/light mode
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
You can use any different colors on here.
Noor6mo ago
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
$panel ->colors([ 'primary' => '#6366f1', ]) $panel ->colors([ 'primary' => 'rgb(99, 102, 241)', ])
Noor6mo ago
how will you do it can you show me ? don't we need to mention its dark:bg-primary-500 ? I know I can set any color in panel but we need to mention it its dark eg: dark:bg-primary-500
Matthew6mo ago
First of all are you running v2 or v3? Because those colors remind me of v2 php artisan about
Noor6mo ago
Abdur Razzaque
Abdur Razzaque6mo ago
I'm sorry, I never required this type customization. I think you can check to core concept from documentation to find the avaible class to filament.
awcodes6mo ago

‘dkprimary’ => Color::hex(#bada55’)

‘dkprimary’ => Color::hex(#bada55’)
.dark .fi-ta-row {
border-left-color: rgb(—dkprimary-500);
.dark .fi-ta-row {
border-left-color: rgb(—dkprimary-500);
Noor6mo ago
don't I need to use @apply?
awcodes6mo ago
You don’t have to. It’s still just css. And apply isn’t going to work in this case because it’s a custom color which won’t exist when tailwind compiles. I could explain how custom colors work in filament with tailwind, but there’s no way I’m going to try to type all that out. 🙂
Noor6mo ago
but the above code is not working it shows border-left-color doesn't exist
awcodes6mo ago
My bad. rgb(var(—dkprimary-500))
awcodes6mo ago
MDN Web Docs
border-left-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
The border-left-color CSS property sets the color of an element's left border. It can also be set with the shorthand CSS properties border-color or border-left.
awcodes6mo ago
The css property might be named wrong too. Check your dev tool for the right css property name.
Noor6mo ago
Can you tell me please if this tailwind css I'm using is right or not
.fi-fo-textarea {
@apply focus-visible:!ring-sky-300/80 dark:focus-visible:!ring-orange-300/30;

/* Table */

.fi-ta-ctn {
@apply ring-sky-300/80 dark:!ring-orange-300/30;

.fi-ta-content {
@apply !border-t-sky-300/80 dark:!border-t-orange-300/30;
.fi-fo-textarea {
@apply focus-visible:!ring-sky-300/80 dark:focus-visible:!ring-orange-300/30;

/* Table */

.fi-ta-ctn {
@apply ring-sky-300/80 dark:!ring-orange-300/30;

.fi-ta-content {
@apply !border-t-sky-300/80 dark:!border-t-orange-300/30;
I'm confused after u said that we dont need to use apply
awcodes6mo ago
You’re using a custom theme. Colors like orange and sky aren’t going to exist if they aren’t used in any of the files that tailwind is scanning during its build.
Noor6mo ago
so should I not use them ..is that a wrong way ? these colors are registerd in app panel provider
awcodes6mo ago
Can you share the code from your panel provider for your colors.?
Noor6mo ago
'danger' => Color::Rose,
'gray' => Color::Gray,
'info' => Color::Blue,
'primary' => '#014bde',
'success' => Color::Emerald,
'warning' => Color::Orange,
'cyan'=>'#06b6d4', //500
'sky' => Color::Sky,
'danger' => Color::Rose,
'gray' => Color::Gray,
'info' => Color::Blue,
'primary' => '#014bde',
'success' => Color::Emerald,
'warning' => Color::Orange,
'cyan'=>'#06b6d4', //500
'sky' => Color::Sky,
I'm tensed now what if I did it in wrong way .. because I've done all customization
awcodes6mo ago
Ok. Yea. Cyan and sky in this case aren’t setting anything in your tailwind. Filament take custom colors like that and outputs them as custom css properties so using something like bg-sky-500 will break your tailwind build. So, in filament when you do something like ->color(‘sky’) it’s change the css property/variable to use the —sky-500 etc property.
Noor6mo ago
so right approach is using hex or rgb like you used above?
awcodes6mo ago
So if you want to use those in css you have to call them as such with rgb(var(—sky-500)) or rgba(var(—sky-500), 1)
Noor6mo ago
ok I'll correct it thankyou so much you saved me 🙂 Just wanna clarify that custom color goes in tailwind.config file? or I would use something like this in panel
'cyan'=> Color::hex('#06b6d4'),
'sky' => Color::hex('#0369a1'),
'cyan'=> Color::hex('#06b6d4'),
'sky' => Color::hex('#0369a1'),
or in filament register.
awcodes6mo ago
that goes in the panel
Noor6mo ago
ok and then what goes in theme.css ? so after I registered sky in panel can I use
.fi-in-tabs {
@apply ring-sky-300/80 }
.fi-in-tabs {
@apply ring-sky-300/80 }
in theme.css? @awcodes
awcodes6mo ago
Actually, this may not work. Custom colors get dynamically changed through the css properties on the components. Let me think about it some more. On my phone and can’t try anything.
Noor6mo ago
yes please because this is not working for me
awcodes6mo ago
I think we’re over complicating this. Try this:
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->recordClasses(fn () => ‘border-l-sky-500’)
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->recordClasses(fn () => ‘border-l-sky-500’)
As long as you have ./app/Filament/**/*.php in the content of your tailwind config for the theme I would expect that to work.
Noor6mo ago
ok I'll try that let me see
awcodes6mo ago
If that doesn’t work last ditch effort would be:
.fa-whatever {
border-left: solid 2px theme(‘colors.sky.500’):
.fa-whatever {
border-left: solid 2px theme(‘colors.sky.500’):
Noor6mo ago
This works but I want it to be when I check the checkbox
awcodes6mo ago
Look at the doc I linked. You can pass the record and use it to determine what classes to add to the row. So you could add a more descriptive class name to the row then target it in the css. Did https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1186782132639633438/1187162736656908350 not work?
Noor6mo ago
nah.. I'm trying I'm trying to find class where is that color coming from when you check the checkbox
awcodes6mo ago
Which checkbox?
Noor6mo ago
No description
Noor6mo ago
so when you tick that box the color pop ups blue color which I'm trying to change
awcodes6mo ago
Ah. Ok. I would have to test something’s but that should be doable with the :has pseudo selector is css. If the theme() helper worked then it just a matter of getting the css selector right for rows that have a checkbox that is ::checked
Noor6mo ago
did you done test ?@awcodes
awcodes6mo ago
@Noor theme.css
.fi-ta-cell::before {
background-color: theme('colors.lime.500') !important;

.dark .fi-ta-cell::before {
background-color: theme('colors.lime.500') !important;
.fi-ta-cell::before {
background-color: theme('colors.lime.500') !important;

.dark .fi-ta-cell::before {
background-color: theme('colors.lime.500') !important;
import preset from '../../../../vendor/filament/filament/tailwind.config.preset'
import colors from 'tailwindcss/colors'

export default {
presets: [preset],
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
lime: colors.lime,
import preset from '../../../../vendor/filament/filament/tailwind.config.preset'
import colors from 'tailwindcss/colors'

export default {
presets: [preset],
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
lime: colors.lime,
Noor6mo ago
This worked so I need to use all custom colors like sky orange cyan in config?
awcodes6mo ago
Depends on how you are using them. I’m still not sure why you are trying to change something that is the primary color.
Noor6mo ago
I know but this is something I've been told to do
awcodes6mo ago
For things like badges and actions that have color() modifier then you don’t have to go through all this. You’re just trying to change things that weren’t meant to be customized.
Noor6mo ago
Is it right if we override classes too much its gonna break the layout of default app ?
awcodes6mo ago
It’s not going to break the layout unless you do it intentionally But the point of a theme is to create consistency in a design system. And changing something like that border breaks that consistency. But it’s your app. Do what you need to. 😀
Noor6mo ago
yeah I understand but it's not in my hand .. I have to do what I've told to do
awcodes6mo ago
Noor6mo ago
big thanks for your help ☺️
awcodes6mo ago
Just remember that something like this is open to breaking if the views and how filament is applying styles to things like this change in the future.
Noor6mo ago
Noted ✔️
awcodes6mo ago
Ie, currently filament is applying that via alpine when the checkbox is clicked by adding a ::before class, so if that changes in the future you’ll have to figure out a way to fix it. Where as using ->color(‘custom’) on an action won’t break. Good luck with it though. But that’s a way to achieve what you’re after.
Noor6mo ago
hmmm yeah understood... I'll keep everything in mind thankyou 🙂