C#6mo ago

Help scaffolding Identity?

So I was following this MS tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/scaffold-identity?view=aspnetcore-5.0&tabs=visual-studio and it went fine except when I got to the Startup class part. I have no such class, the closest thing I have is a Program class and a lot of the Program class's code seems to be the same as the one the tutorial puts in Startup. What should I do? Should I create a Startup Class call it from Program? Or jus insert that code into Program.cs?
Scaffold Identity in ASP.NET Core projects
Learn how to scaffold Identity in an ASP.NET Core project.
5 Replies
Angius6mo ago
Make sure you selected the correct version The URL tells me you picked version 5 Which differs, slightly, from 6+
Gipper6mo ago
oooh, I didnt pick google just pointed me in the wrong direction So, according to the tutorial for 6.0+ I don't need to add anything to the Program.cs? Correct?
Angius6mo ago
You do Or maybe not, huh
Gipper6mo ago
Doesn't seem so...
Angius6mo ago
That's fine, then Less work