Filament6mo ago

Define Form Data Mutation in One Place?

Quick question. I have a simple resource (using modals for creating and editing) and I need to mutate the data from the form before it is saved. I know I can pass a closure to mutateFormDataUsing() from the create/edit actions but that requires me to define the mutation in 3 places (the edit action, the create action on the manage page, and the create action under the empty state actions). Is there a way to define it once to apply to all create/edit actions (like maybe defining it under the field itself in the form schema definition?)
2 Replies
X7Ryan6mo ago
Looks like I could just hook into the field's dehydration and modify it there. https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/advanced#field-dehydration
DrByte6mo ago
Or, if the mutation is something you need to enforce at the Model level, you could use Laravel observers or event hooks on the model.