C#6mo ago

CS50 to C# .net webapp dev

Hey yall, I am finishing up CS50 and I was curious if yall had any recommendations for learning C# webapp dev? Asking here instead of googling because I am hoping for something that sorta skips the basics (that cs50 teaches) and maybe throws me in the deep end with the new syntax? Not %100 what I am looking for, maybe just advice.
12 Replies
Angius6mo ago
dotnet new mvc or dotnet new webapi and start hacking at it There is no new syntax It's all C# one way or another Even Razor templates use plain C# in them
rabbitt6mo ago
I do not know C#, I know C, C++ and Python, so I was hoping to just pick whatever section of C# im missing and start there
Angius6mo ago
Ah, I thought CS50 was some C# course, but CS probably stands for Computer Science lol, my bad In that case, start with $helloworld
Angius6mo ago
It might repeat some basics, sure, but they tend to be different enough from C/C++/Python that it's still worth going through them For example, neither of those languages has a dedicated foreach loop, IIRC
rabbitt6mo ago
ah i see, so best to just start from the bottom anyways cool cool
jbeans6mo ago
are you looking to learn how to make something like a web api in .net core? Or just how do things the "C# way" when you already know how to code?
rabbitt6mo ago
jbeans6mo ago
If you are interested in making some kind of web api to learn I can help you with it @rabbitt
rabbitt6mo ago
this might be my lack of education, but are you refering to webapi as in a webapp that connects frontend through an api? I dont have a knowledge of how the pieces 'connect' so if an api is just how a webapp functions then yes
jbeans6mo ago
Yeah it can be a bit confusing. There are many ways you can structure web apps. A web api would be considered just the “back end” of the code. It wouldn’t be the html,css, or js part. You would just write it in plain ole c#. A good amount of the time you create a web API as a gateway for you front end to get data from a database. But there’s nothing forcing you to go into a database, just a common thing. Would be easier to start there and learn c# without getting entangled in the front end just yet But you could write the front end part after if you want to make a full application. web api is probably what you are thinking an api is.
rabbitt6mo ago
yeah, i know css and html, probably easiest to start there tho thanks
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