OpenDeck on Arch Linux
Hey Happy new Year,
I saw that you provide a RPM and a DEP Package for OpenDeck.
What are the Possible install methods for Arch Linux?
In one Github Ise there has been stated that an appImage Version will be made. I didn't found it.
461 Replies
I don't have any experience with Arch
what package format does it use, aside from AppImage?
I will look into making an AppImage but my focus is currently on the rewrite
It doesn't directly have a package format.
But I think .pkg.tar.something
i see
i will make an appimage, but also keep in mind that the rewrite will be available this month at the latest
Thanks. Also looking forward to the rewrite.
just looked into it - Electron Forge doesn't actually support making AppImages without a third-party maker and I don't think that's really worth it for a piece of software that's about to be replaced - I can walk you through building it as a zip of the binary on your own system if you like
I will look into it in the next few days. Right now its really late at my place. (About half past 4 a.m.)
I will go to bed now. I will inform you If i need help (a walk through).
Thanks so far.
I'm also on arch and I just unpacked the package, moved the binary to
and added the udev rules. Once the rewrite is done, I will set up an AUR package for it.that may not be necessary since I will be publishing it to Flatpak
although I suppose some people might prefer the AUR
I'm not directly a Fan of Flatpak if I can install it via another Way.
It would be nice to have OpenDeck in the AUR.
i can make an AUR package for it
if tbmatuka doesn’t, feel free
he’s mentioned he will, however
im already maintaining a few AUR packages, so shouldnt really be any trouble
go for it, I can test it if you need
I haven't made any packages in a while, so it would take me a bit to go through the documentation again
PKGBUILD is almost done @tbmatuka i can add you as co-maintainer if you want
indentation is a bit messed up 😄
doesnt look like it on my end

hmm, you might want to wait until the rewrite is more complete (e.g. system tray support, a way to actually exit, etc)
this just builds the latest git commit
build failed for me: Cannot find base config file "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json" [tsconfig.json]
it looks like we need to run
svelte-kit sync
before build
it died during vite buildhuh, i dont need to do that
or npm check before npm build instead, it includes the sync
npm check?
ah, npm run check
weird thing is it works for me without a problem
without that
I'm guessing you ran it before, so the file existed
this is a clean build

I'm updating everything, I haven't in a while
I figured it out, I have nvm installed and the build was using an older version of node
I also had to add
to PKGBUILD and install an appindicator library for the build to pass, now I still have to test the app 😄
it seems to work, but I don't have any plugins installed and I had to restart the app because refreshing devices didn't workthats normal for the rewrite
whats your AUR username? i can add you as co-maintainer so you can push those changes
it's tbmatuka
youre co-maintainer now
refreshing devices doesn’t work? I mean it should only really be necessary if you plug it in after opendeck starts
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε why is Node.js 6 a dependency for the package? It’s dinosaur years old and OpenDeck/Vite requires v18+
See also
you should use nodejs-lts-hydrogen alongside npm to get a newer node version instead of the bare minimum v6 required by npm
its not?
its just listing aur packages that satisfy the dependency "npm"
the current versions are in the normal repos

depends on npm which depends on node, right?
i see
yeah, i got it
it requires any npm, and nodejs6-bin provides npm
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε FYI: I just tried to install Opendeck-git from the AUR via yay.
Got this Error:
Building via git pull and cargo tauri build works.
Log Opendeck - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
@Terrorwolf try again
seems like the same Error as far as I can tell.
what even
are you up to date?
yes. All uptodate.

what PKGBUILD does yay download?
do you know where yay caches? Or should I just copy and paste the output while installing?
idk, i use paru which requires you to accept PKGBUILDS before allowing you to install them (which you should be doing anyways)
I don't install anything from the AUR without checking the PKGBUILD. But only in the CLI
also iirc yay requires extra arguments to cleanbuild if you already have it installed
yaeh. But I almost always choose cleanbuild
thats my PKGBUILD yay uses
thats the new one
weird that it doesnt work
are hidapi and webkit2gtk really run-time dependencies?
I thought they would both be makedepends entries
Probably not, i was trying those to hopefully have work
Hey folks, I understand there's a rewrite in progress, and wanted to check in to align my expectations 🙂 I installed from the opendeck-git AUR which is showing as r44.4311b48-1 and the build runs, seems to detect my StreamDeck as it's listed in the device dropdown (original 15 key model) however it doesn't show a plugins button/menu. Just an empty grid and 2 dropdowns - one for device and one for profiles. Totally fine if this is due to it being WIP 🙂
totally normal, you need to install plugins :)
unzip them and put them in ~/.config/com.amansprojects.opendeck/plugins
doh! presumably I completely skipped over that part of the docs. Sorry!
there is no docs :))
at least not for the rewrite
(AUR version is the rewrite)
ok, any tips on how to download, say, this one?
Release CPU 1.2 · elgatosf/streamdeck-cpu
First public version of the CPU plugin for Stream Deck.
yep that works!
well, it appears in the app, and I can drag it onto the grid, and it appears on my device, but it's not doing any CPU readouts
and there's no properties panel for it. I'll be patient 🙂
I found this handy site that has links to downloads:
Stream Deck Plugins
Stream Deck Plugins
An unofficial repository featuring the best plugins for the Elgato Stream Deck
maybe the CPU one doesn't work because there's a windows binary in there
gonna try out the Open Hardware Monitor sensor, which appears to be javascript
ah, the OHM util itself is windows only
I’ve written a script for downloading all of the plugins off the Elgato App Store, I just need to host it somewhere (some of them are too big for GitHub)
CPU should “work” by just always showing 5%
Hello, I got it installed as well but can't figure out how to download the Twitch plugins as I can't find them on github. Would it be possible to share that script, or the method you used?
Oh, I found all the links in your repo from the other thread - thanks for uploading that!
available on a proper site now!
@seffyroff too
if they are unneeded, please could you remove them?
I’m marking this as solved since there are now both opendeck and opendeck-git packages on the AUR
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε the
package is 2 important releases out of date, please could you bump the versiondone
the release candidate uses Deno instead of npm and Node so you will need to adapt to that
how do you do stuff with deno?
not sure what you mean?
Deno, the next-generation JavaScript runtime
Deno features improved security, performance, and developer experience compared to its predecessor. It's a great time to upgrade your Node.js project to run on Deno.
ive never used deno, i dont know what commands to use instead of the npm ones
you shouldn’t need to invoke any, just like you didn’t need to invoke any npm commands (apart from install maybe which you can just remove) because the tauri cli does everything
how do i install the dependencies then?
ah, i got it
the docs say this

don’t need to, as I said, you can just remove that command
as the first invocation of vite build will do it
the purpose of the command was to install and cache the dependencies in a non-standard location
to keep the package build cache seperate from the normal cache
because thats what the guidelines say to do
and the equivalent of that is deno cache
I don’t think you need that, to be honest
if the guidelines say to do it, then thats what should be done
otherwise the DENO_DIR env var can be set to change the cache location
which guidelines? the packages in the user’s Deno cache shouldn’t have been modified and so it should be fine…
the closest thing there is to deno packaging guidelines
Deno is very different to Node
its a javascript runtime
if you really want to avoid making a folder in the user’s home directory, just do this ^
as far as i understand it, dependencies should be downloaded during the
according to the deno docs, this should be workingdeno doesn't have an install command, at least not one that should be used outside of obscure circumstances, it just downloads deps when the program runs
so much so, in fact, that pure deno programs specify dependencies in the import statement with
to signify npm or otherwise URLs to modules - as in, there is no package.json filethen how can i vendor the dependencies?
cargo tauri build
will invoke deno task build
, which evaluates to deno run -A npm:vite build
, which should install all of the dependencies from package.json/deno.lock automatically
I'm not sure if Deno has a standalone command to install deps, if that's what you're looking for
additionally, it seems that cargo-tauri
(a dependency of both the AUR packages) from the arch main repos is outdated at 1.5.11-2 - it's been flagged as outdated from what I can tell but it does prevent building OpenDeck unless you run cargo install tauri-cli
manually to update it to 1.6.x
I've found that
DENO_DIR=deno_cache deno cache --node-modules-dir npm:vite
downloads all of the JS dependencies of OpenDeck to node_modules
as expected without creating any folders in the user's home directory, so you could use that in place of npm install
in the prepare step==> Starting build()... Errortauri.conf.json
error ontauri > bundle
: Additional properties are not allowed ('rpm' was unexpected)
it's been like that for over a month
it has been an issue for many people
huh, how is there no cargo-tauri-git package
ah, for some reason its called tauri-cli on the AUR
2 other things:

1. the indentation in prepare has been annoying me for a long time
2. could you update the description to the more concise "OpenDeck is a cross-platform desktop application that provides functionality for stream controller devices." I'm using everywhere now
ah, didnt notice the indentation because ive got tab width set to 4 spaces
think it was mentioned before as well haha ^
ok, new pkgbuild is building rn, everything seems to be going well
FYI, the udev subsystem rules are included automatically in the .DEB now, so you don't need to include them yourself
ok, everything is updated now
you don't seem to have removed the udev rules
install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/etc/udev/rules.d" 50-elgato.rules
is still there
I would also change deno cache npm:vite
to deno cache --node-modules-dir npm:vite
just to be safeah, forgot to remove udev from the git version
yeah, sources still in there in
, and in the normal version the install
command is still there as wellok, now it should be correct
the AUR packages are now mentioned in the README as well
I must say Arch looks enticing
should I leave openSUSE (Tumbleweed) for it?
the AUR and wiki mainly
my question is how does stuff from the AUR get uninstalled cleanly without leaving everything behind?
I need to switch to proper arch instead of Manjaro, I just really don't want to re setup.
I absolutely cannot get the current version of opendeck-git to build, it fails on tauri-cli due to an outdated time library. Does this work for anyone else?
Editing the pkgbuild of tauri-cli fixed this. I know this is not an opendeck issue, im just curous if anyone else has build it straight from ther AUR
I had to cargo install and Unistall tauri-cli to get it to build on my system
@ninjadev64 I'm getting a "Failed to create store for profile" error, but I see that the dir and the json file were created. how can I debug this?
nevermind, I removed the whole config dir and it works now
either your file corrupted, or you haven't updated in a long, long time
the second one 🙂
do you have a recommendation on how to set up plugin development? is there an easy way to restart a plugin?
also, the icon on my steamdeck mini is displayed upside down for some reason, can I fix that somewhere? It's in the correct position, but upside down
Is this all icons for any buttons?
what do you mean? the content of each key individually is upside down, including the text, but the top left icon in the UI is top left on the stream deck
I was just asking if it was happening with all the bttons, yes
I don't know how it would happen on just one of the buttons 😄
because asking for clarification is always a good way to start.
This appears to be an issue that can occur even on the offical software, does it only display upside down for Opendeck for you?
I'm on linux now, so I can't test with the official software, but it never happened before, including with the old version of opendeck
Try streamdeck-ui
Just to verify that if it happens there as well or not.
streamdeck-ui is not upside down
@ninjadev64 can tell you better than I, but perhaps a setting in the menu to allow for icon rotation, like the elgato software has?
Rendering is done in, which is called by key.svelte.
can we discuss this in #general or a new thread?
this should be just arch-related
the aur build script is run to make a tar.zst package file, which is then installed like normal
ah makes sense
@𝕵𝖎𝖒𝖂𝖔𝖑𝖋 is this what you're experiencing? ^^
Yeah that comment helped, thanks man @ninjadev64
awesome, does it install now?
yh it's installed ty
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε please do bump to 2.0.0-rc.1 (and change the license to MIT) when you have time, thanks 👍
ill do that once my power is on again
cool, thanks
yay -S opendeck-git

Ive seen chatter in general about arch issues so figured id share what I get trying to update. Im on pure arch now.
yeah, a released version of OpenDeck that uses Tauri v2 isn't out yet because Tauri v2 isn't out yet, but the latest few commits migrate the codebase to v2 so if you're using the opendeck-git package you might get that@Dem @Fl1tch if you want to continue the discussion, here is the arch thread
Not sure what's going on, updated to the most recent opendeck-git
And this is what I get
The buttons work, and profiles will switch, but it displays nothing. Brightness control works though.
There are no logs that are out of order on either the consoole or log file.

Do you know which Package I need to install Opendeck on Arch Linux? Since Tauri-v2 now oficially is released now, I can reinstall it again after I bricked my Computer about a week ago.
Someone else reported this today.
So nothing in the terminal or in the devtools console?
Could you try the 2.1.0-beta release from around a week ago
You probably need to install from source right now as the maintainer of the tauri-cli package hasn't updated and @ΩмεցαЯοցυε doesn't want to install tauri-cli in the OpenDeck build script (even though it would make sense because different projects require different versions)
I just saw that has been updated to Version 2.0.1. Would it work when I install this?
It may well do, try the opendeck-git package
I will try it in a few minutes
I will try the other version probably tomorrow morning when have access to my computer again.
got this Error with the Git Version.

yeah, build from source, outdated cli
you could try
cargo install tauri-cli
and then install the git package againI found the Problem. Somehow I had tauri installed in Version 1.6. I don't know where it came from but I removed it and now it works.
Maybe somehow with my Backup the old Version got on my PC.
Another thing: When I start opendeck, my Streamdeck goes black (elgato Logo Vanishes) and in Opendeck its just a white Window.

Nvidia GPU? Use
That will fix the white screen but not the stream deck, other people are having issues with the stream deck being blank in 2.1.0As you said, it woks for the Withe Problem but not that the Streamdeck is not showing anything.
You you need anything to Debug the Problem?
Also I think I found a bug. If Opendeck is to small to show everything, and Dark Mode is enabled and you scroll to the right, its there not in dark mode anymore.

yeah normally you would resize the window but I haven't updated to the version with the fix for the Tauri but that means you can't do that
does installing tauri-cli using cargo affect the host system in any way?
It's presumably installed globally but it's the same as installing the tauri-cli package, just that you get to specify the version
I only tested the app image for 2.1.0-beta and the screen updates as expected
for completeness, the appimage of the current version is broken in the same way as the opendeck-git package.
Alright thanks
@Percy_Ikana or someone else could you try the latest commit?
I already did, its the same. no screen
you mean the "Revert dependency updates" one?
I pulled opendeck git again, let me try pulling from source
No change. pulled fresh from git and built.
the only other thing it could be is the update to tauri v2-stable from v2-rc?
nothing else happened in between 2.1.0-beta and 2.1.0...
if its global then thats a no for package
the PKGBUILD is theoretically never run on the target system
and should be treated as such
and the contents of a pkgbuild should not interact with the host system outside package dependencies
the tauri-cli is not a runtime dependency and so it does not matter if it is not run on the target system
it is a package dependency
anyway, you can do this
Stack Overflow
How do I change where
cargo install
places binaries?I am installing racer, rustfmt & rustsym
cargo install racer
cargo install rustfmt
cargo install rustsym
The packages are being installed in C:\Users<UserName>.cargo, but I want it t...
yep, the problem still is that the package builder system is affected
package dependency as in dependencies contained in other packages that can be removed after building the package using the package manager
isn't that a build dependency?
build dependencies in packages
the requirement is that the PKGBUILD does not have sideeffects on the system
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε ^
Just for my understanding, what side effects does the tauri-cli package from aur have?
It probably just runs
cargo install tauri-cli
Does this (the screen not drawing) seem to be an arch only issue? or are most the users just using arch?
I think most of the users are arch lol
most of the vocal ones / ones on the latest version at least
my used stream deck mini is arriving in a few days so this shouldn't happen again at least
My Stream Deck Mini has just arrived, exciting!
Bad news: the screen works in 2.1.0
oh hold on i've got the beta
Ok I can repro this, I'm going to try and fix it now
It seems it was my fault
Alright @Percy_Ikana and @Terrorwolf it's now fixed in 2.1.1
I'll try it when I get back home
What was the issue?
I was enforcing that the serial number should only be alphabetic to fix this guy’s issue but forgot about the dash
Ah, that explains why it made a new profile folder without the dash.
You said the mini was 40 pounds?
thanks for the Update. But everytime I start Opendeck, four Windows open together with the Main Opendeck Window:

What is the Best way to automaticlly add this to the Start Argument of Opendeck so I don't have to start Opendeck from the Terminal?
And is there an official service File for Systemctl?
you have Developer Mode on and HTML5 plugins installed
no, but there is an autostart option in settings which complies with the freedesktop autostart spec
I believe you can add the variable to /etc/environment or something
I can verify functionality is restored.
Good news Arch users!
Soon, the Tauri CLI will have in-built support (it has been merged but not released) for the newly-released Deno v2.
This means the Cargo CLI will no longer be needed and the headache of building OpenDeck on Arch will be resolved.
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε I've already pushed a commit that migrates the project to Deno v2 - you can edit the PKGBUILD to this:
You probably need to wait for Deno in the Arch repositories to be v2 first though.
The latest commit sets up the project for using the CLI through Deno (when installed with the JS package manager like npm or Deno the Tauri CLI is per-project as it should be, only through cargo is it system-wide), which should fix the tauri-cli package nightmare!
You probably have to wait for Deno to be updated to v2 in the Arch repositories though.
Since this is a Arch Package and not an AUR Package it should be updated very fast. (Last Update 7. October 2024)
it still isn't unfortunately
Hello, I have a SteamDeck (as you know with ArchLinux and KDE Plasma) and would like to use the Steam Deck+ from Elgato. The AppImage runs directly, the device is recognized, I can configure it, the device accepts the config, only outside the application (e.g. in the editor) nothing happens when I press the configured buttons. I suspect it has something to do with the AppImage, could that be the case?
What actions are you trying to use?
It feels like it doesn't matter which action I insert. Specifically, I have inserted "Run Command" and "Input Simulation" and also tried alternative text. The deck also takes over the icon cleanly. In the application the keystroke of the deck is also displayed, only outside e.g. in a text editor in KDE nothing happens when I press the keys. Do I have to do anything else apart from running the application in the background?
I just tried this keys also Yesterday and the both didn't work for me either. Didn't had time to debug it further.
The input simulation is quite unreliable, I would try run command with
Forgot to Mention, I am using Gnome.
I will try it out tonight. My target requirement is to use the SteamDeck in simulators. In the first step in MS FS2020, later in ETS2 under Proton.
Is there a reason why you use ETS2 via Proton?
The ETS2 runs well on the SteamDeck under Proton. I love my SteamDeck as a gaming device and don't currently have a high-performance gaming PC.
Okay. I must say I didn't try ETS2 via Proton since the Native Linux Version is pretty solid and also supports all of my used mods. (Mainly ProMods and a few custom cargo Mods and Environment Mods)
And also my Driving Wheel works pretty well in the Native Linux Version. In my Proton Games I have some difficulties with my wheel.
Oh, I didn't realize there was a native Linux version of ETS2 with mod support and wheel support 🙂 I have a GeForce Wheel G920 which I would like to get running on the SteamDeck. Do you think my wheel will run out of the box, or do I need a special driver package?
Something is happening 🙂 After the configuration and a keystroke on the deck, the mouse pointer changes and shows me that it wants to open Chrome, although I have set Firefox as the default browser in KDE. However, Chrome does not open and after a few flashes of the mouse icon, everything is over. If I explicitly change the default browser from Firefox to Chrome, Chrome does not open either. But this will be a problem with KDE, which I will probably have to solve myself. The question remains which calls do I have to use to use it in games/applications (e.g. FS2020) or to start applications?
I have never had the app image work correctly, I had to install from the AUR (opendeck.git) for that to work, I have not tried the flatpak.
For opening apps, either gtk-launch <app with desktopfile> or just the command needed in the terminal, such as "Firefox"
For commands like macros, I have been using run command along with xdotool, since I dont think text input acts as pressing the keys (but also have no experimented much)
I have the a bit newer Version of this. I had to install udev rules (mine were on the aur) and used oversteer to test it at first. If you want/need help to set it up, i can help you with that if you want to.
Can you tell me how to solve this errors:
error: "identifier" is a required property
Error tauri.conf.json
error on build
: Additional properties are not allowed ('devPath', 'distDir' were unexpected)
Error tauri.conf.json
error: Additional properties are not allowed ('package', 'tauri' were unexpected)
The installation always fails at this point.
Thank you 🙂the tauri-cli is outdated on the aur so it doesn't work currently, and Deno is out of date in the Arch repositories as well so we can't use that either
install tauri-cli manually and build from source
tauri-cli is already on the new version and works. I myself used it to install opendeck the last time.
hmm, seems it is actually at 2.0.3, maybe they just need to reinstall tauri-cli
I needed to remove the tauri i installed via cargo to make it work. I think I had the same problem
So, actual it is just buildable from source via tauri-cli atm?
Should be just do a clean build
Okay, perfect. Thanks!
Actually, you can use the opendeck-git package in the meantime
this is what happens if i try to install the git version

i'm just using the flatpak version now
outdated Deno it seems, shame
so OpenDeck on arch is currently in limbo until arch updates deno
well arch is rolling release, so it's more like until Deno updates
not sure what you mean, Deno 2 has been out for more than a week but the Deno package in the Arch repositories (not AUR) isn't updated
that's exactly it actually
I'm confused lol
...yeah arch is a bit confusing
anyway i've attempted to install it from the AUR but it hasn't worked... and nobody's commented on the deno-git AUR page in 2 years
so i think you might be right about OpenDeck on Arch being in limbo... a
I drive openSUSE Tumbleweed, perfectly familiar with rolling release, I'm just confused about this conversation not arch
oh i misread your message
completely missed the "deno" at the end of this message lol
that would clear things up lol
i can upgrade deno, but when i do that, opendeck-git still doesn't install

and when i try to build it from source with the upgraded deno, this happens

@ΩмεցαЯοցυε copy-pasting from a GitHub issue
OpenDeck on Arch is currently in limbo, the git package won't work until Deno is updated in the Arch repositories, and the non-git package won't work as it's too old. You just have to wait for the AUR maintainer to update the non-git package to 2.1.1, which is not the latest but also not the newest (it uses the new tauri-cli which Arch has but not the new Deno which Arch doesn't).
Last night opendeck just stopped working, any attempt to open a profile fails

For some reason copying the files out, launching clean, and putting the originals back in helped, it displays again, although the parsing errors remain.
Oh hey sorry didn't see your messages
If you open the files does anything look abnormal? I've had my profiles have a load of weird characters at the end of them before and they were unwritable
Try copying the contents (not the file), deleting the file and then making a new file with those contents (while OpenDeck is closed)
It looks like the file just ends suddenly,
The other one that was an issue seems to have just nuked itself from orbit? but I imagine it was a similar issue, but I have no idea what could have caused it.
weird, if it happens again I'll implement something where it keeps 2 versions of every file
I have made backups so that if it happens again I should have the "correct" and borked files to compare.
btw, I think we should just use this for issues related to compiling on arch, other things should be in separate threads or #general ;)
Do you know the command to verify the installed deno version?
should be
deno -v
I installed deno-init and the ran sudo deno upgrade. Could I run the newest version of Opendeck-git now or do I need to change something in the PKGBUILD?

certainly do try it
what is deno-init?
do you mean this
curl -fsSL | sh
?got this error: this is deno-init
Do you have an Idea?
try a clean build?
you mean uninstall and reinstall opendeck?
I think you can pass --rebuild to yay when updating opendeck
no need to uninstall
same error with --rebuild
maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling, it shouldn't delete your configs but back them up anyway
or wait
try making the changes to the PKGBUILD I sent in that GitHub issue
to late. Is already reinstalling
oh lol
will try that. New installing didn't work with same error
yeah those are probably necessary
Deno 2.x is not available in the Arch repositories · Issue #28 · ni...
Hello! When we try to build opendeck on Arch using the AUR package we're catching failures because tauri.conf.json was built using version 1.6.x standards but the Arch version of tauri-cli is n...
send over the whole thing once you've modified it so I can take a look
ignore the change in the makedepends to deno-git, you can keep that as deno or make it deno-init, don't make it git
should i remove this?

replace it with the Deno one that looks similar
in the patch I sent
the one at the bottom
does this seem right?
okay. same problem
no need for the
deno cache npm:vite
it's not in the patch I sentthis was already in the pkgbuild. just added the lines deno install and deno task tauri build --ci -b deb -- --frozen

this is the now working PKGBUILD:
with deno-init package and then the deno update command.
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε FYI
I don't think omegarogue would want to use deno-init because it doesn't update with the system
would at least be an workaround worth of mentioning as a pinned comment I think.
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε the opendeck package is still on 2.0.0 and doesn't build, whereas 2.2.1 is out and 2.1.1 should build, please could you update it to 2.1.1 at least so it builds if you don't have time to fix 2.2.1
what steps are needed to get 2.2.1 to build? im getting "unsupported lockfile version 4" from deno
with this, im getting
I gave the answer to that issue here first
then here
try deno init package and then deno upgrade
then here
then partially here
actually it was here first
would deno-git work aswell?
deno git is broken in the moment
this is gonna be ugly then...
maybe would a pinned commend with the workaround the way to go until deno or deno-git are working with the new version?

yes. If you install deno-init you need to run deno upgrade afterwards
yes, im putting the workaround notice into the PKGBUILD to be shown when it fails
and hopefulle one of the other two will be functional soon
you could also just update to 2.1.1 until the deno package is v2
the normal way for "git" packages is to update to latest.
git packages automatically target the latest commit
I mean for
im just gonna get that up to latest aswell
you could also make a -bin package
that builds from the .deb
so we never have these issues again basically
ill do that too
not everyone is a fan of -bin packages build from .deb files.
so its not an allround solution
i mean, the -git and opendeck packages do the same
tho the best would be to have CI also build a generic tarball of each version
should be updated now, ill make the bin package tomorrow
I don't know how long it should take to update in the Web, but there is still the old Version of the PKGBUILD at the git version.
ah, might have forgotten to push that one then
Yeah. Propaply. Now it looks good to me.
thanks @ΩмεցαЯοցυε
hmm, it still seems outdated on the -git package to me
also on the non-git one you still have tauri-cli as a dependency but it's no longer needed
for me the pkgbuild has updated to the one posted by me above.
weird, i didnt do anything since yesterday
as I see it is at both versions still the dependency.
@ninjadev64 Is the cargo fetch command still necessary?
really? is still out of date for me
yeah sry. got the wrong tab.
not “necessary” as such as it will be done automatically when the rust binary is built but separation of processes is good in packaging scripts
so cargo is a dependency then?
rust/cargo is yeah
ok, should be all up now then
now it seems up to date.
awesome thanks
ANyone else on arch had this issue?
yay -S opendeck-git

it would seem like you have an outdated PKGBUILD
that error is caused by the
deno cache npm:vite
line with deno versions newer than 2.0
but idk how you would have both that line and a 2.0 denothanks, I got it fixed
Apparently evben telling yay to clear its cache wasnt enough, I had to hunt it down and delete it
Same for me. I had to manually clear the opendeck-git folder from yay cache.
thats why i recommend paru
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε Deno v2 has been available on the official Arch repositories for about a month now, please could you update the OpenDeck build scripts to use it instead of deno-init
I'm kinda shocked tauri v2 is still not available through arch repos
Tauri isn't packaged for distros, it's a rust crate
But there is the cargo-tauri package 🤔
that installs cargo and then via cargo tauri
That's just the Tauri CLI
cargo install
Most projects use the JS wrapper for it and so does OpenDeck now
But OpenDeck didn't before because it didn't use to support DenoI see I see
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε I will post it here also so it doesn't get lost in #general . Could you add
git submodule update --init
in the Prepare Section of the opendeck-git PKGBUILD? Then it can be updated automaticlly again.@Dem I was wondering if you could ask OmegaRogue to be added as a co-maintainer to the package as they don't seem to be very responsive which leads to the packages often being broken and/or out-of-date
Tbh I've never maintained an aur package
@Percy_Ikana or @Terrorwolf then?
That would be a possibility.
At least for the git package.
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε would that also be OK with you?
Lol I can learn IG.
I assume the AUR installs are both broken ATM?
@Percy_Ikana applying this should fix opendeck-git ^
Oh hey the appimage finally seems to work!
the problem was with urls and stuff before right?
My issue was the app image could not open anything with run command
Okay it still fails on a couple things for some reason but W/E (NVM, these commands are actually borken now)
Unfortunatly we can't fix the Packages unless @ΩмεցαЯοցυε fixes them or adds another person to the Packages.
I installed from aur with no issues just two or three days ago - the non-git version
I only know for sure that the git version is broken.
yeah non-git should be fine rn, just out-of-date, it's still on 2.2.1
2.3 wasn out when I installed anyway
I just updated opendeck-git, the build works for me, but I had to run
rustup update
first because it's been a whileInterrestung. On what commit are you on now?
Just saw, the missing git command is now added to the pkgbuild since yesterday.
non -git still at 2.2.1
I now have marked the non git version as old. Maybe thats why the git version was updated now. (Marked as old a few days ago by me.)
I think tbmatuka updated the package
There are changelogs and it says his name
seems like it
Thanks @tbmatuka btw
@ΩмεցαЯοցυε please could you also add Tim to the non-git
Lol typo from "him" but Tim isn't wrong either
yeah, I got an email for the out-of-date flag 😄
updating has somehow broken opendecks ability to find my streamdeck at all
what streamdeck do you have? Normal or git version?
I have an XL for the hardware
what commit are you on?
how do I check? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I just ran
yay -S opendeck-git
in the settings page there is the commit version
In the brackets

OpenDeck v2.3.1 (525c9ea) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
ok. thats the same as mine. Need to ask, did you restart your pc after the update?
reinstalled the udev when restarting didnt fix it, as well
did you unpluck your device and replugin it in?=
yes, several times
Both before and after a reboot.
is there something in the logs? an error or so?
no logs, nothing in the terminal

logs folder is empty, other than a file with a size of 0
is your device deteced by linux?
an old version of opendeck. 2.0 detects it via the app image
so, yes
does "lsusb" detect it?
I trie to debug it, since I also have a XL and its working fine right now.
Could you try to reinstall opendeck-git?
Okay, assuming
yay -rS opendeck-git
counts as a uninstallyes it should
and yay -S is an install if I make it cleanbuild
there is no change
please delete the cache folder of opendeck and try again
Yay's open deck cache or .cache/opendeck?
Ill do both
no change
Ill try rebooting again later I cant RN
Okay also didnt help
so the choose a device dropdown is empty?
I dont have a choose device dropdown

Could you try to stop opendeck and try to start it as sudo?
thats interresting
I should have tried that first, my B
sudo works
after sudo, does it work with normal permissions?
ok. is there any weird permission in the config dir of opendeck?
This is strange
I didn’t change much regarding Elgato devices, and my stream deck was recognised too last time I checked
The current app image gives me this

But I dont konw whats going on with the AUR

could you try to move the folder of the starterpack plugin and try again? (Backup everything please)
It will work without Material Deck, but not with it

so any ideas what could have broken between releases?
or way I can help, since there are no logs being made
do you have the link to materialdek for me? Then I can try it with my setup.
Releases · MaterialFoundry/MaterialDeck_SD
Contribute to MaterialFoundry/MaterialDeck_SD development by creating an account on GitHub.
its in the plugin store in opendeck, apparently
thanks. Which version do you use? Opendeckstore or github newest? (Or are they the same?)
I just tested both, they show the same behavior
they are the same version, iirc
I have now installed it, restartet opendeck and its still working.
Well, okay then, It refuses to work if its there for me.
I am sorry that its not reproducible. Is there anything in the materialdeck log?
there are no logs for it
let me try just wiping the whole folder
Okay, cleaing the whole config/opendeck folder and reinstalling material deck, it finds the device, lets try bringing my profiles back
okay, importing my profiles breaks it
if you open the profile, is there anything that seems odd?
I have 32 profiles
Im looking through them now
I have hundreds of configured buttons lol
Other Question. Do you know if there is a way to change to a specific profile when I click a button?
there should be a change profile action
Thanks. Just tried that. If I specify a non existing Profile, it creates it then.
Thats my lazy way of making new proifiles
crap, several profiles make it break
ffs. Okay, I guess I will slowly rebuild the broken ones.
I have no idea what changed, or why this is tied to having materual deck installed with profiles that did use it
Okay, this is worse
Taking a working profile, adding a materialdeck plugin to it, and then reloading, its broken
like button
just tried it with adding a materialdeck button and restarting opendeck, still working at mine
Okay I give up then.
I dont know whats broken and updating was a mistake lol.
okay, this isnt consistant
here is my whole opendeck folder
Also i only have 22 profiles, sorry i though I had more lol
I dont know what to do other than try to rebuild things, IG
I think time is better spent going back commits to see where it broke instead of rebuilding everything
You should also just try 2.3.0 first, it's highly likely that this is caused by one of the bug "fixes" in 2.3.1
Restore your backup before using 2.3.0 in case 2.3.1 broke things in your profiles
I'm sorry about this
No worries, at worst, I have a lot of boring meetings. =)
If I was at home I would ask you for your backup dir and test it myself
Yhea, I'll see what happens trying old versions when I have time tomorrow or something.
If you want my directory later, I sent it above.
I saw you sent it, but it looks like a 2.3.1 dir
Because all the font size properties have changed themselves to numbers and not strings
(by at home, I meant in London/UK/Europe even)
Huh, okay I'll look into what I actually sent later.
For now, enjoy your vacation and the holidays!
I won't be using my computer much for a while anyways.
Your holiday and the holidays?
At least I think y'all typically say holiday over there instead of vacation. Or I'm making things up.
Yeah I don't hear vacation used much
Vacation or leave over here, based on if you are military adjacent or not.
Do you hear y'all much or is that just an American Southerner thing?
Not important really, have a good weekend!
Y'all is definitely an Americanism
I think once you send over your profiles I'll test them before every release, since yours seem like a good baseline for more powerful usage of the software
Especially now that I'll hopefully be shipping something based on it with commercial hardware, it shouldn't keep breaking
this implies that the 2.3.0 AppImage didn't have this issue? So it was introduced in 2.3.1?
I guess you can use 2.3.0 in the meantime while we sort this out then (downgrade profiles first, 2.3.0 won't understand the numeric font sizes)
Actually scratch that, seems like the numeric font sizes is from just before the release of 2.3.0, so it has it
I have no idea why 2.3.1 wouldn't work while 2.3.0 does then, I can only see bug fixes and nowhere where this bug could have been introduced
Please check to see if 2.3.0 really does actually work
Afaict the numeric font size "fix" must be hanging up somewhere with material deck actions? Cause if loading a profile hangs up then the device won't register as they are all loaded during the device registration process
But I can't figure out why on earth that would happen with material deck specifically, it doesn't even specify font sizes in the manifest, and it works for terrorwolf
@ninjadev64 i will try tomorrow the profiles of Percy_Ikana if his Profiles work at my Setup.
I guess this is what happens when you've never developed software professionally and learnt to code on your own without any QA/QC or unit testing training
Maybe I should learn how to write some unit tests interesting
Do I need to do anything after copying the config folder? (Except for changing the Profile name?)
I think you might have to find and replace
with /home/jan/
in all the profilesOk
I should get around to removing that at some point, like how I removed the profile name and device id from profiles
Then profiles can be copied around everywhere, for example across dual boots in a shared partition and stuff
the app image that worked was apparently 2.0.0 lol, ill try other releases soon
Okay, 2.0 works, 2.1 works, anything newer wont even load properly, for the app image
Im on arch, KDE, up to date, and have an AMD GPU

could you send us a list with ports your pc is listening to?
if you remind me how to show that =)
I mostly use this. If it doesn't work i have a few others you can try. No need to install something extra.
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

Open deck is not currently open

With a non-working 2.21 app image

its the same with a working AUR install of 2.2.1 from opendeck
ok. the same ports as mine.
Let me pull the newest app image and try it.
I have more or less bad news for you, its working on my pc.
Also Arch, Gnome, up-to-date, NVIDIA GPU -> Set environment Variable
Gah lol.
the AUR version works, as in loads, so lets just focus on that, there should not be any funcitonal difference between versions IG.
If you want, I can spin up a manjaro VM with KDE today or tomorrow and try it there.
I will leave that up to you, Im not going to impose on more time than you want to spend.
I do it if you want.
Endevour OS is what I am actually running, so that would be the VM you want
I either setup a windows VM (need it to modify an streamdeckplugin) or setup a linux vm to test opendeck.
can you have opendeck and opendeck git both installed?
i don't know that, but I think it won't work.
I dont think it willl either
since they are the same destination
i will try it.
always wanted to try endevouros
So far I have liked it, I also have found KDE runs games better than Gnome but I havent tested that a ton nor do I actually play many games
I'm not a fan of the looks of KDE. Thats why I am on gnome
I like how both look
ffs the zipped prfile folder is barely too large for discord
Assume I just cant type and dont proofread
Becasue both are true
Okay, there is a mostly working 2.2.1 set of profiles
Some of them are corrupt, but W/E they mostly work

Okay, I am now upgrading to opendeck-git
did you have the non git version installed?
Yes, for this test
ok. please try git version
Its building now
Okay, here is the result of running it

here is the resulting profile folder
okay the display cant load on the only version of 2.3.0 i have easy access to, but here the profile folder when it runs
Okay im building 2.3.0 from source
OKay i tfailed and im out of time to mess with this any more today
If yall need anything else, let me now and ill try when I have time
I will try tomorrow to setup a vm and try it.
did you upload a working profile?
I feel the need to point out that professional software engineering is also a disaster, so I have 0 blame for something falling through, lol.
this one
I hesitate to call myself a real power user, I have a lot of profiles, but I only use two plugins, and one is the starter pack.
Actually Opendeck seems better than some professionals.
I agree with Terrorwolf, I've seen some really, really bad code from contractors that were paid tens of millions
So this is what I've understood:
- 2.whatever you were on before works
- 2.2.1 from AUR is working fine
- 2.3.0 AppImage is blank (could you try the steps in #25?)
- 2.3.1/-git device does not register
thats also what I understood. Tomorrow I will try to setup a system similar to percys.
to rule out its something with his distro
If I recall correctly, you also tried the -git version somewhere between 2.2.1 and 2.3.0, so we can rule out some of the commits
Yeah, it's here:
Seems 13860cd and below are safe, bug introduced somewhere later than that
I'm going to move some of this discussion to another thread, it is not Arch related
I almost tried all commits in between
@tbmatuka maybe you could look into adopting the opendeck package?
Sorry didn't saw your message. We need to wait at least two weeks after marking it outdated.
(Happened by me an 20th Dec.) Then we can go further with this way.
I will make an Request for that on the first weekend of 2025.
Please use #OpenDeck on Arch Linux going forward, and keep discussions related to AUR packaging and installation