SolidJS•6mo ago
bic mem

noob question regarding solid-router

Hey guys, I'm running through this tutorial on Solid-JS as I am new to web dev, I got to the video on the solid-router and noted it broke so I ran through the documentation and saw there were changes made recently. I tried figuring it out myself but my page still doesn't render the Home component.
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8 Replies
Brendonovich•6mo ago
I'm not sure if it'll fix your problem, but all the stuff outside of the Router should be put in a separate component and provided via the router's root prop
bic mem
bic mem•6mo ago
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Brendonovich•6mo ago
And make sure App is rendering props.children
bic mem
bic mem•6mo ago
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bic mem
bic mem•6mo ago
bic mem
bic mem•6mo ago
do i necessarily need to pass props to render something ? here's the top of App.jsx
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Brendonovich•6mo ago
Yeah the root component must receive props and render children - see the router docs https://github.com/solidjs/solid-router?tab=readme-ov-file#configure-your-routes
GitHub - solidjs/solid-router: A universal router for Solid inspire...
A universal router for Solid inspired by Ember and React Router - GitHub - solidjs/solid-router: A universal router for Solid inspired by Ember and React Router
bic mem
bic mem•6mo ago
thank you bro, my website has been fixed 🙏 , for some reason it didn't click despite reading it multiple times
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