At your service! As a browser extension

At your service! As a browser extension developer using Plasmo, I can provide you with an in-depth answer to your question about the behavior of the useStorage hook. The useStorage hook in Plasmo is not inherently asynchronous. It is a custom hook that allows you to easily interact with browser storage, such as localStorage or sessionStorage, in a React component. The behavior of the useStorage hook depends on how it is implemented in your specific codebase. Typically, when using the useStorage hook, the value from the storage is loaded synchronously when the component mounts. This means that the value will be available immediately and will not cause any delays or asynchronous behavior. Regarding the return value when the value is not loaded, it depends on how you handle the initial state in your code. By default, if the value is not present in the storage, the useStorage hook may return undefined or null as the initial value. However, you have the flexibility to customize this behavior based on your specific requirements. To handle the case when the value is not loaded, you can use conditional rendering or loading states in your component. For example, you can display a loading spinner or a placeholder until the value is retrieved from the storage. Remember, it's always a good practice to handle edge cases and provide fallbacks for situations where the value is not available or not loaded yet. I hope this explanation helps you understand the behavior of the useStorage hook in Plasmo. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask!
Unknown User
Unknown User•132d ago
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lab•132d ago
Yeah - tho it only use localStorage as a backup in some runtime where it's available. SessionStorage is not used
Unknown User
Unknown User•131d ago
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