RunPod5mo ago

Why not push results to my webhook??

Why not push results to my webhook
14 Replies
kecikeci5mo ago
Yesterday, I could receive the push normally.
Justin Merrell
Justin Merrell5mo ago
I see you have opened a thread, lets move the conversation here to keep it together, as of now it appears that we are attempting to send out the webhook but it is being blocked. 731d242f-09f0-4c35-a316-d98beadc84aa-u1 did you recive the webhook for this?
kecikeci5mo ago
Yes, I received cf65cc21-a58b-401b-b725-07b0b456b1a0-u1 af860a5c-f3d8-4372-896e-1c75ff5c1456-u1 943faff2-13c0-4669-94b5-dd3c5dce9b07-u1 58cc1b6f-5a50-4a72-8e0e-d5dea9ac51e2-u1 bd964e91-c1fb-4287-a036-71112be1cfcf-u1 4df9e3ad-2cb0-4434-9f9b-a182280a8d51-u1 9700e185-7e14-43ac-ae53-1347497a09df-u1 These are useless. I 've received them.
Justin Merrell
Justin Merrell5mo ago
You have or have not received the webhooks? Or what makes them useless?
kecikeci5mo ago
I don't know, I didn't do anything
Justin Merrell
Justin Merrell5mo ago
I looked up bd964e91-c1fb-4287-a036-71112be1cfcf-u1 and I am seeing the same error as before
kecikeci5mo ago
Yes, none of these have received callbacks.
Justin Merrell
Justin Merrell5mo ago
I see they were all attempted but timed out, have you verified your firewall is not blocking anything?
kecikeci5mo ago
No, my firewall didn't block it. You can visit my domain name on the failed ip machine to see if it is successful. If it is not successful, it may be a GFW problem.
flash-singh5mo ago
where is endpoint hosted? aws? make sure there arent any payload limits, that can be an issue, otherwise we give 15 seconds to push data
kecikeci5mo ago
Hosted in China, Alibaba Cloud
flash-singh5mo ago
check for any payload size restrictions
kecikeci5mo ago
I looked at the caddy service log and did not receive the request.
flash-singh5mo ago
will dig more into it