RichEditor doesn't upload Image on Simple Resource (Modal)

Could anyone help me with this point pls ? Basically what I'm doing is creating a new RichEditor component into form, it works perfectly when I'm using complete resources (With CRUD pages), but for some reason, I don't know if it's a bug or I'm doing something wrong, when using in a simple resource, generatated simply with "php artisan filament:resource TestResource --simple" it doesn't work... Same code in each resource:
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
Returns: Uncaught Could not find Livewire component in DOM tree on console
2 Replies
leoblanski5mo ago
No description
leoblanski5mo ago
Could not find Livewire component in DOM tree (RichEditor ONLY Simp...
Package filament/filament Package Version v3.1.0 / v3.1.47 Laravel Version v10.39.0 / v10.40.0 Livewire Version No response PHP Version 8.2 Problem description I'm creating a new RichEditor com...