C#5mo ago

C# is it possible to show all the digits instead of what is divisible by 8 ?

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6 Replies
Joschi5mo ago
Your code consists out of 3 basic parts. A for loop, a if condition and the print statement. Do you understand what each of those is doing exactly?
Angius5mo ago
You could add an else
3omar5mo ago
Yes, To start with 1 and ends with 200, next to each number that is divisible by 8, print "Good"
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3omar5mo ago
Thanks, it worked
Joschi5mo ago
Ok great! Now you want to print each number. The naive way would be to just add a new print statement somewhere in the loop, but outside the if. If you do that you will notice a new problem. Your divisible by 8 once will be printed twice right? To solve that you can use an else
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