RunPod5mo ago
Lili Lu

could not start a temporarily closed pod

I had a pod which stopped yesterday, but now I could not start it.
8 Replies
ashleyk5mo ago
What do you mean you can't start it? Can you only start it without a GPU?
Lili Lu
Lili Lu5mo ago
Something like this happening in the loop from the log: 2024-01-15T14:55:52Z Status: Image is up to date for runpod/pytorch:1.13.0-py3.10-cuda11.7.1-devel-ubuntu22.04 2024-01-15T14:55:53Z create container runpod/pytorch:1.13.0-py3.10-cuda11.7.1-devel-ubuntu22.04 2024-01-15T14:56:01Z pending image pull runpod/pytorch:1.13.0-py3.10-cuda11.7.1-devel-ubuntu22.04 2024-01-15T14:56:01Z create container runpod/pytorch:1.13.0-py3.10-cuda11.7.1-devel-ubuntu22.04 2024-01-15T14:56:01Z pending image pull runpod/pytorch:1.13.0-py3.10-cuda11.7.1-devel-ubuntu22.04 I am trying with 0 gpu
ashleyk5mo ago
Is it A5000 or 4090 in EU-CZ-1 region?
Lili Lu
Lili Lu5mo ago
RTX 3090 in CZ
ashleyk5mo ago
Yeah 3090 and A5000 seem in EU-CZ-1 in Secure Cloud seem to have issues at the moment, I pinged @flash-singh about it. 4090 seems to be fine though.
Lili Lu
Lili Lu5mo ago
Sorry for the late response, so it would be fixed ?
ashleyk5mo ago
Hopefully someone from RunPod will look at fixing it, I see its still currently broken.
Lili Lu
Lili Lu5mo ago