C#5mo ago

✅ WinForms Project Contribution

Is anyone looking to get some practice done on Windows Forms? I'm a student working on a personal project. The business logic is almost complete. But I need help in getting the UI part done. I'm making my github repo public and open for contribution. [ https://github.com/Shmdtalha/CricketScoreScraper ]. It's built with WinForms on Visual Studio. Only one frame design is required. If anyone wants to contribute to the front end, you're more than welcome to. Let me know if you want anymore details.
GitHub - Shmdtalha/CricketScoreScraper: A Desktop application that ...
A Desktop application that scrapes cricket scores. - GitHub - Shmdtalha/CricketScoreScraper: A Desktop application that scrapes cricket scores.
2 Replies
Buddy5mo ago
This is not the place to ask for collaborators But for actual help with questions (Q&A) You can post it in #showcase note that you must follow the format.
Shadow5mo ago
Oh okay. I thought it could be considered as a Help post, since ultimately it's what I need