How to use wmill app push?

I'm going crazy trying to push my local app to remote: When i give path to local json file it says:
Given Remote Path looks invalid...
Given Remote Path looks invalid...
When I add another argument for a remote path it says
errro: too many arguments
errro: too many arguments
Is there an option I'm not aware of, the docs for the CLI are really undeveloped.
8 Replies
rubenf5mo ago
unclear, we will take a look and let you know @guillaume actually can you quickly check while you're on it? I think there is just a path transform missing for the wmill app push cmd
guillaume5mo ago
This was broken indeed, thanks for reporting and sorry for the trouble. I submitted a fix, you can upgrade your CLI once it's released. In the meantime the wmill sync push command works fine, even for the apps, with the difference and it will push the entire workspace
My_Name_Is_Shef5mo ago
Any reason it gets stuck on here?
No description
My_Name_Is_Shef5mo ago
Is show-diff on by default? That might be the case, can I turn that off? I See the option, but does it accept an argument, like false @guillaume
rubenf5mo ago
yes it might be stuck on doing the diff, and yes we should have a way to skip it
My_Name_Is_Shef5mo ago
I left my pc and came back it was done at some point, but yeah the show-diff is turned on by default, so the option and the description doesn't make much sense. @rubenf I can see new releases on git, but how can my cli use latest changes, upgrading didn't help, still says CLI build against v1.240.0
rubenf5mo ago
Have you tried: wmill upgrade ?
My_Name_Is_Shef5mo ago
Used deno install with -f, cause I need --unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors