Merging 2 projects c# forms

Im running into an issue with combining 2 projects in visual studio 2022. I need to combine those 2 for a school project i tried just putting the files of each from into the other project but it will show those files until i open de .sln and then those files i have put in there are just gone Anybody got any knowledge to fix this?
19 Replies
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Jimmacle5mo ago
yeah depending on the project type you may need to do another step and "add existing item" in your project explorer
PickleTickler715mo ago
alr let me try that real quick where can i find that? yeah alr got it but what item i need to add? the .cs .Designer.cs and .rex
Jimmacle5mo ago
all of the files you copied
PickleTickler715mo ago
Via Add existing item right? and ive done that and added the .cs .Designer.cs and .resx and when i open the files i added its design is just gone
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Unknown User5mo ago
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PickleTickler715mo ago
6 different forms which includes the designer.cs .cs and .resx so that means a total of 18 files
Jimmacle5mo ago
i have to ask, why are you in this situation to begin with? did your school not teach how you to use version control? normally collaborating on a software project doesn't involve stitching entirely separate projects together, everyone works on the same one and their changes are merged together
PickleTickler715mo ago
Nah we be using github for that we didnt learn but its kinda just me in the project the rest besides one is doing nothing and we both got a part but i need them to merge in 1 but just cant get it to work
Jimmacle5mo ago
if you're using github you shouldn't be manually trying to merge different versions of the repo you should be using pull requests
PickleTickler715mo ago
yeah but rn just the problem is getting another projects forms into the othert and i cant get it to work
Jimmacle5mo ago
i mean, it is practically just copy and paste and potentially updating the csproj if you're using an ancient .NET version unless "getting the forms into the other" means more than it sounds like it means
PickleTickler715mo ago
wym ancient .net? which files? just the .cs Designer.cs and .resx right?
Jimmacle5mo ago
if you are using anything less than .NET 5 it is ancient .NET
PickleTickler715mo ago
i think net 7 or 8
Jimmacle5mo ago
probably? you know your code better than i do
PickleTickler715mo ago
let me check
Jimmacle5mo ago
if it's that new then it's literally just copy and paste the files
PickleTickler715mo ago
yeah then they just dont show up anymore and if i do add excisting item it shows a empty form