Filament5mo ago

How do you make tables communicate with each other.

I want to make an page with two tables, where on the first I have an list of all talk rooms and on the second I have all the participants of the selected room. How do I make it so that both are on the same page and both are made by the filament table builder?
it worked, thanks.
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12 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
How would you "select" a room? Via the bulk select?
Felix5mo ago
no, an action.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
In general the logic would be to dispatch events and listen to them
Felix5mo ago
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
No I mean Livewire events: https://livewire.laravel.com/docs/events
Events | Laravel
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
Because your tables are Livewire components
Felix5mo ago
ah, I see, Thanks, and will try. 👍
Felix5mo ago
it worked, thanks.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
Wanna share your solution for anyone searching this?
Felix5mo ago
sorry, I accidentally selected the wrong post, I wanted to select your post (the livewire link), but i don’t know how to change the solution.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
You can't change it after it was selected 😅 But I meant: Do you want to share a bit of code on how you solved this?
Felix5mo ago
sure. in the dispatcher livewire: class: ->actions([ Tables\Actions\Action::make('select') ->action(function (ProjectService $record) { $this->dispatch('select_project', project: $record); }) ]) blade: <div> {{ $this->table }} @livewire('testing-service-list',['project' => $selectedProject]) </div> in the dispatched livewire: #[On('select_project')] public function showSelectedProjectServices($project) { $this->project = $project; }