C#5mo ago

✅ Best practices for WPF context aware documentation

All projects in the company I work at are made in WinForms .NET 4.8 and provide CHM help file documentation. The new project I'm working on is in WPF .NET 8. And for whatever reason I'm unable to reference the System.Windows.Forms reference to access the Help class necessary for opening the CHMs. Yes, I can do process open, but I'd love to be able to open the documentation on a specific page, based on context. So, I've been thinking whether there is a better alternative for application help documentation. Is there? What would you recommend
26 Replies
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
CHM is deprecated and has security issues. I use issues and wiki for whatever software lifecycle management tool I'm using to display things like a readme.md other wiki content and track issues.
Lex Li
Lex Li5mo ago
WinForms bits are by default not enabled in WPF projects, but you can manually change that and then add references, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71374091/is-it-ok-to-enable-both-winforms-and-wpf-for-a-net-6-0-application
Denis5mo ago
Ive managed to enable it, I was adding UseWinForms to the wrong project harold However, one way or another, chm just feels plain wrong. I'd prefer to have local documentation that is context aware. But I was unable to find anything viable. There's WebHelp which is based on CHM, but that also stinks.
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
chm is deprecated so yeah it is wrong
Denis5mo ago
what is the official replacement for it then?
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
microsoft help viewer is the official replacement, but I think it's only for ms products, not sure if it can be customized. but like I said, online wiki's etc.
Denis5mo ago
And do you have any recommendations for a static web-based wiki that supports querying a page/topic via the url? That is also easy to use for a very non-technical person I've found MkDocs, but asking if you have something you'd really recommend
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
you can query github issues by url at least
Denis5mo ago
yes, but unfortunately, github is out of the question this is not for an opensource product
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
what is your current source control system?
Denis5mo ago
oh boy, buckle up On prem TFS + GIT closed-source
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
what version of tfs?
Denis5mo ago
lemmy check why?
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
just curious I think from the azure devops server perspective you have wiki and all that built in
Denis5mo ago
v15 yes indeed, but it is not public and I need documentation that will be available for customers
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
Denis5mo ago
so yeah, hosting some static webpages somewhere isn't an issue just trying to find the right tool I feel dirty after touching anything related to CHM, I just need the right arguments to push another company "revolution", so that my project can use something modern.
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
for static pages can you use the file://?
Denis5mo ago
you mean for offline access?
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
yeah I mean I hate it
Denis5mo ago
I'd think so that'd be nice
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
but I think that's what git-scm does for instance. or used to anyway
Denis5mo ago
Well, I could potentially even host it in my own WebView window hey, anything is better than chm, right
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
I mean, chm isn't bad, it's just dated though iirc chm has an rce exploit
Denis5mo ago
yes, that's another point
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
I think it's a big disingenuous to call it an RCE; I think generally for it to work you're already pretty compromised.