Hi all

thank you in advance Context: 1- I am new to Filament, I use Version 3 2- I am using JetStream, Permission and multiple guards (I've just discovered Filament recently) My AdminPanelProvider: class AdminPanelProvider extends PanelProvider { public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel { return $panel //->default() ->id('admin') ->path('') ->login()->authGuard('admin') ->colors([ 'primary' => Color::Amber, ]) ->discoverResources(in: app_path('Filament/Resources'), for: 'App\Filament\Resources') ->discoverPages(in: app_path('Filament/Pages'), for: 'App\Filament\Pages') ->pages([ Pages\Dashboard::class, ]) ....... Problem: I've kept facing the error: filament.admin.pages.dashbboard (route) not exists even I've tried with boot method or pages method in the AdminpanelProvider. I looked up in the route list (artisan route:list), no such route. I've googled, binged, used ChatGPT/Copilot and bard but still could not solve the issue. Please help me p/s: In case I created a custom dashboard (php artisan make:filament-page SettingsDashboard....) but still facing the same issue
I solved it by commenting out the default dashboard page and using my custom page ->discoverResources(in: app_path('Filament/Resources'), for: 'App\Filament\Resources') ->discoverPages(in: app_path('Filament/Pages'), for: 'App\Filament\Pages') ->pages([ //Pages\Dashboard::class, <=====here...
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3 Replies
pechtelt5mo ago
Will try to help, had this issue never by myself but can try.! Do you have an page called Dashboard in your Filament > Pages folder?
andyphung5mo ago
In case I created a custom page (Dashboard), the custom page exists inside Filament>Pages folder
andyphung5mo ago
I solved it by commenting out the default dashboard page and using my custom page ->discoverResources(in: app_path('Filament/Resources'), for: 'App\Filament\Resources') ->discoverPages(in: app_path('Filament/Pages'), for: 'App\Filament\Pages') ->pages([ //Pages\Dashboard::class, <=====here ]) ->discoverWidgets(in: app_path('Filament/Widgets'), for: 'App\Filament\Widgets')