✅ Trying to send message to a specific user in signalR but javascript is just not recieving the data

Trying to send message to a specific user in signalR but javascript is just not recieving the data I provided my code in the codeshare and briefly explained what it does the main problem is just that the javascript does not recieve the data Ive checked to make sure that finding the username works I have a function which checks and it matches the username to the connectionID https://codeshare.io/QnPxn7
10 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User5mo ago
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Ketamine Kyle
Ketamine Kyle5mo ago
Yo thanks so much for helping dude I have no idea how to use SignalR and its been really hurting my brain right ok
Unknown User
Unknown User5mo ago
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Ketamine Kyle
Ketamine Kyle5mo ago
Do you see any other possible issues with the code or is this the main problem?
Unknown User
Unknown User5mo ago
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Ketamine Kyle
Ketamine Kyle5mo ago
Alright ill get to work then, thanks for giving me some guidance this is my first asp project so only been doing it for 20ish days Learning alot of new csharp features though OHH I FUCKING DID IT
Unknown User
Unknown User5mo ago
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Ketamine Kyle
Ketamine Kyle5mo ago
Thank mate, absolute legend
Unknown User
Unknown User5mo ago
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MODiX5mo ago
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