Using jetstream auth with filament

I'm new to filament and just kicked off a new project that uses Jetstream as part of its scaffolding. I'm looking to integrate filament and realized it has its own login flow and I'm looking to use just the auth login and allow access to users that have been gratned the appropriate role. (I don't want to maintain to seperate login flows). I'm having trouble getting it working and am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for necessary steps I've updated my config/auth.php to reference my user model, and added implements FilamentUser to my user model - I acn login without an issue on the default login but the admin login returns "These credentials do not match our records." Any chance someone can shed some light on other steps I need to follow?
2 Replies
JJSanders5mo ago
Why don't you remove all the jetstream stuff?
David | Fortune Validator
I was in a similar boat when I started. For one of the projects I just removed ->login() from the filament panel provider and controlled who can access the panel in your User model