RunPod5mo ago

Proper way to listen stream

If I understood correctly, the only way to get stream updates is making request to stream endpoint like it showen in docs here https://docs.runpod.io/reference/llama2-13b-chat. for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) get_status = requests.get(status_url, headers=headers) print(get_status.text) Is there any other way to get hands on updates from async generator handler? Would be nice to have something like this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events, like it's done in openai api https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/streaming Or maybe websockets will do too.
we dont have SSE support yet, will plan to look at that
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2 Replies
flash-singh5mo ago
we dont have SSE support yet, will plan to look at that
flash-singh5mo ago
for now looping is the only way, you don't need the sleep, the request is blocking itself