C#5mo ago

Where does .NET Core fit into the equation on web development?

I’m trying to learn some more about web development. I’ve been learning HTML and CSS for the front end and I’m familiar with C# for the back end. Say I don’t user blazer/razor pages. I decide to use React for the front end and use C# API’s to hit the database. Where would .NET core fit into this webpage?
7 Replies
Anu6is5mo ago
Nowhere? If you're only using it for the backend then it doesn't need to factor into the front-end (webpage) at all
Lex Li
Lex Li5mo ago
I wonder why this can be a question. Microsoft clearly has tutorials for many SPA frameworks and you just need to finish one of them, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/javascript/tutorial-asp-net-core-with-react?view=vs-2022
Angius5mo ago
It would fit... in the API? Like, the code that runs on the server
Brutal_Boost5mo ago
Okay that makes sense. So you could use .NET core for a desktop app as well? It’s not only for web development?
Angius5mo ago
Sure .NET is the underlying framework Desktop, mobile, web backend, web frontend, CLI tools, anything and everything you need
Jimmacle5mo ago
.NET is broadly just "what C# runs on"
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese5mo ago
C# is a general purpose language
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