How to add css to custom theme?

Hi Guys, Can someone please explain to me like to a 5 year old how to use full tailwindcss class. I know I should put it in a custom theme css but how exactly? Which files to modify and where? I know about custom themes but how to add whole tailwindcss to it for local dev and then purge it? I'm using vite. Thank you so much!
22 Replies
toeknee5mo ago
When you run php artisan make:filament-theme it generates you the files and away you go, add the css and run npm run build. Providing you followed all the steps that CSS will then be used
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
Yes but how to add whole tailwindcss to the files and which files exactly?
toeknee5mo ago
It happens as part of the generation You don't add the whole, vite builds what is used in the blade files.
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
But run dev does not add the classes I used and im still missing classes
toeknee5mo ago
Where are you using the classes? Have you configured filament to use this css file
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
toeknee5mo ago
Ok, so where are you using the classes? The tailwind theme doesn't use classes it includes them, so you must be using them somewhere. Where are you defining the use of classes that are not included
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
In the custom View::make in a panel.
toeknee5mo ago
So in the view::make are you including a blade view? That is where the CSS classes should be used, then when runnin npm run build, it will add those css classes into your theme.
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
Yes, let me try this again if you say it should work Ok it definately works now as I have lost all of my styles. hat should be the contects of theme.css?
@import '/vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/theme.css';

@config 'tailwind.config.js';
@import '/vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/theme.css';

@config 'tailwind.config.js';
I created theme for wrong panel. vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: [
refresh: true,
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: [
refresh: true,
import preset from '../../../../vendor/filament/filament/tailwind.config.preset'

export default {
presets: [preset],
content: [
import preset from '../../../../vendor/filament/filament/tailwind.config.preset'

export default {
presets: [preset],
content: [
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
@import '../../../../vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/theme.css';

@config 'tailwind.config.js';
@import '../../../../vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/theme.css';

@config 'tailwind.config.js';
I have no idea why this does not work, or maybe it is that vite is doing only the main and tailwind.config file and not the theme one?
toeknee5mo ago
What doesn't work?
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
In my resource I Class I have:
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
then in the view card.blade.php I try to use h-20 and it does not work Are the configurations files correct?
awcodes5mo ago
You need to add your views path to the tailwind.config.js
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
Thanks it seems to work now! I have put my custom view in incorrect directory! Now I have a strange different error. yarn build - works, but yarn dev does not, it does not compile any styles and page is displayed as would be without any styles, what am I missing?
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
No description
awcodes5mo ago
What errors are you seeing in the console?
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
No errors whatsoever. The vite dev just does not compile. I reverted to use vite build —watch and it works as expected no idea whats the story with dev tough
toeknee5mo ago
I suspect you are running yarn dev and accessing over the url it provides? Why use Yarn and not NPM when we natively run as npm?
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
every time I had npm issues the same packages lists was installed without error with yarn. Sick and tired of fixing npm errors. Anyway "vite build —watch" works and thats good enough for me. Thank you!
toeknee5mo ago
Sounds like NPM is respecting the lock file if you are getting errors.
aurawindsurfing5mo ago
Thank you for you help. I'm not using NPM.
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