Filament5mo ago

How to use an icon like a button

I'd like to show and hide password by clicking the icon. Is it possible to apply?
6 Replies
toeknee5mo ago
This has just been after into V3.2
caglar5mo ago
->getStateUsing(function ($record) {
$credential = $record->credentials()->where('loginunpw', 1)->first();

return $credential ? $credential->pass : 'No Password Found';
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state): string => Str::mask('secret', '*', 0))
->copyableState(fn (string $state): string => $state)
->getStateUsing(function ($record) {
$credential = $record->credentials()->where('loginunpw', 1)->first();

return $credential ? $credential->pass : 'No Password Found';
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state): string => Str::mask('secret', '*', 0))
->copyableState(fn (string $state): string => $state)
caglar5mo ago
I'm using TextEntry class in an infolist and it doesn't work with password() method.
Tieme5mo ago
It is not implemented on the infolist, only on forms.
caglar5mo ago
Thanks a lot.
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