Displaying multiple images uploaded from SpatiesMediaLibrary intp a blade file

SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload::make('images') ->multiple(), Blade File @foreach ($item as $item) <div class="bg-white p-6 rounded-md shadow-md transition-transform transform hover:scale-105"> <img src="{{$item->images}}" alt="Card Image" class="w-full h-32 object-cover mb-4 rounded-md"> <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">{{$item->name}}</h3> <p class="text-gray-700">{{$item->name}}</p> <a href="{{url('details', $item->id)}}"> <button class="mt-4 bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-md hover:bg-blue-600 transition-colors">Learn More</button> </a> </div> @endforeach Images don't show up in the blade file
2 Replies
antiquarian_capsaicinβ€’5mo ago
Thanks soo much πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Really appreciate it
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