toggleable() not working with Split?

I have the following table columns
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true)
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true)
->toggledHiddenByDefault(true) // I know it's useless, just here for the example
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true)
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true)
->toggledHiddenByDefault(true) // I know it's useless, just here for the example
However, the column is always visible. When I click on the on the checkbox to toggle its visibility, the only thing that changes is that the option disappears from the sorting dropdown. If I remove the Split::make() part and only have the columns, it works as expected Is toggleable() not compatible with Split or am I doing something wrong?
Column Toggleable() doesn't work with Table Split · Issue #7572 · f...
Package filament/filament Package Version v3 Laravel Version v10 Livewire Version v3 PHP Version 8.1 Problem description Here is a video of a classic table toggleable() in filamentphp: Enregistreme...
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5 Replies
ChesterS5mo ago
Here's an example of how it looks
Tieme5mo ago
Column Toggleable() doesn't work with Table Split · Issue #7572 · f...
Package filament/filament Package Version v3 Laravel Version v10 Livewire Version v3 PHP Version 8.1 Problem description Here is a video of a classic table toggleable() in filamentphp: Enregistreme...
Tieme5mo ago
table toggleable function not working in split::make · Issue #6158...
Package filament/tables Package Version v2.x Laravel Version v10 Livewire Version v2 PHP Version php 8.1 Problem description table toggleable function not working in split::make Expected behavior j...
ChesterS5mo ago
Oh ok, so it's a known issue. Cool, thanks!
Tieme5mo ago
If you have read it right, it is not implemented and also it will not be implemented. Only if you submit the PR with how to implement it withoud breaking the layout (shifting and stuff)
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