ExportAction 502 Bad Gateway in Staging/Production

I upgraded to Filament 3.2 to use the new ExportAction. Awesome feature and works locally without issue. When I push to staging/production I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. I know it's not a lot to go on, but I'm not sure what's going on. I use S3 for my file system. The file is created and I can download it if I manually go into S3. Using Vapor if that matters. Thanks!
2 Replies
awcodes5mo ago
Not 100% sure but it sounds like a server config issue. Anything in the log files?
bwurtz9995mo ago
I agree. I'm just not sure where to start There's nothing in the Vapor logs It happens so quickly I feel like the request might not even be reaching my server It's not a timeout error
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