How to use array in getTableQuery instead of Builder?

So i have an array somewhere, i want the table data is using the array instead of querying, how do i do that?
protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
// return Post::query();
return [["name"=>"t1"]["name"=>"t2"]] // something like this?
protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
// return Post::query();
return [["name"=>"t1"]["name"=>"t2"]] // something like this?
2 Replies
awcodes5mo ago
You’ll need to use Sushi to make the array readable as an eloquent query. Here’s an article with an example.
How to consume an external API with Filament Tables by Leandro Ferr...
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
mamamia5mo ago
Thanks im gonna try that. one last question so i have filter select for "year", how to append it to the api url as param?