C#5mo ago

✅ ASP.NET Fetch request to MySQL

So i want to chcek if typed login exisits in db but i get all time error 404
Error checking login existence: Error: HTTP error! Status: 404
at 3:176:31
(anonymous) @ 3:191
Promise.catch (async)
checkLoginExists @ 3:190
checkLogins @ 3:202
(anonymous) @ 3:208
Error checking login existence: Error: HTTP error! Status: 404
at 3:176:31
(anonymous) @ 3:191
Promise.catch (async)
checkLoginExists @ 3:190
checkLogins @ 3:202
(anonymous) @ 3:208
function checkLoginExists(login) {
fetch(`/AssignTask/{taskId}?handler=CheckLoginExists&login=${login}`, { method: 'GET' })
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
return response.json();
.then(data => {
const loginErrorMessage = document.getElementById('loginErrorMessage');

if (!data.exists) {
loginErrorMessage.textContent = `User with login '${login}' not found in the database.`;
} else {
loginErrorMessage.textContent = ''; // Clear the error message
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error checking login existence:', error);
// Handle the error, e.g., display a generic error message

function checkLogins(logins) {
let loginLines = logins.split("\n");

for (let i = 0; i < loginLines.length; i++) {
let login = loginLines[i].trim();
if (login !== "") {
function checkLoginExists(login) {
fetch(`/AssignTask/{taskId}?handler=CheckLoginExists&login=${login}`, { method: 'GET' })
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
return response.json();
.then(data => {
const loginErrorMessage = document.getElementById('loginErrorMessage');

if (!data.exists) {
loginErrorMessage.textContent = `User with login '${login}' not found in the database.`;
} else {
loginErrorMessage.textContent = ''; // Clear the error message
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error checking login existence:', error);
// Handle the error, e.g., display a generic error message

function checkLogins(logins) {
let loginLines = logins.split("\n");

for (let i = 0; i < loginLines.length; i++) {
let login = loginLines[i].trim();
if (login !== "") {
11 Replies
Whiteboy5mo ago
public JsonResult OnGetCheckLogin(string login)
return dbContext.Users.Any(user => user.Login == login)
? new JsonResult(new { exists = true })
: new JsonResult(new { exists = false });
public JsonResult OnGetCheckLogin(string login)
return dbContext.Users.Any(user => user.Login == login)
? new JsonResult(new { exists = true })
: new JsonResult(new { exists = false });
The page is also created from taskId like this
@page "/AssignTask/{taskId:int}"
@page "/AssignTask/{taskId:int}"
so idk if i added it correctly to the fetch request
Angius5mo ago
Ah, callback hell, haven't seen it in a while lol
Whiteboy5mo ago
i made same for task creation t ocheck if title is unique and it works fine tho
Angius5mo ago
The OnCheckLogin() is a handler in the Razor page?
Whiteboy5mo ago
Angius5mo ago
No description
Angius5mo ago
No description
Angius5mo ago
There is no CheckLoginExists handler
Whiteboy5mo ago
public JsonResult OnGetCheckLoginExists(string login)
return dbContext.Users.Any(user => user.Login == login)
? new JsonResult(new { exists = true })
: new JsonResult(new { exists = false });
public JsonResult OnGetCheckLoginExists(string login)
return dbContext.Users.Any(user => user.Login == login)
? new JsonResult(new { exists = true })
: new JsonResult(new { exists = false });
like this? didn't fix the issue tho
Angius5mo ago
Huh I'm gonna be honest, I never used named handlers, let alone as some sort of a pseudo-API I just always had my API endpoints separate
Whiteboy5mo ago
td; dr; to fix it get pageID (taskId)
let taskId = @taskId;
fetch(`/AssignTask/${taskId}?handler=CheckLoginExists&login=${login}`, { method: 'GET' })
let taskId = @taskId;
fetch(`/AssignTask/${taskId}?handler=CheckLoginExists&login=${login}`, { method: 'GET' })