RunPod5mo ago

How to get around the 10/20 MB payload limit?

For use cases such as training LoRAs with Stable Diffusion, where a user could upload tens of photos, 10/20MB is quite small. This is especially true because you have to convert an image to base64 before sending it to the endpoint, which will increase the size of each photo. My app requires the user to upload photos of themselves for training purposes. And if I can't find a way around the 10 MB payload limit, I just realized I can't use runpod's serverless GPUs. Are there any clever ways of getting around this payload limit?
Upload your photos to cloud storage and your serverless workers can download from a link. The limits are fixed and there is no way around them, you must use a link to download the resources instead.
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3 Replies
ashleyk5mo ago
Upload your photos to cloud storage and your serverless workers can download from a link. The limits are fixed and there is no way around them, you must use a link to download the resources instead.
Jack5mo ago
@ashleyk That's the best solution. Thank you
ashleyk5mo ago
runpod-python/runpod/serverless/utils/rp_download.py at main · runp...
🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK. - runpod/runpod-python