Colors and Froms/Tables in livewire component?

When using the livewire component how do we define what colors are used for the forms and tables component? Noting, this is outside Panels.
So it was down to the tailwind colors class in the end, from v2->v3. Updated based on the filament present, and solved
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5 Replies
toeknee5mo ago
Example of LW Component implementation of a required form field vs panels
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toeknee5mo ago
Partially Solved, need to include danger within the tailwind config. We don 't use the same pallete on the frontend components.
awcodes5mo ago
Assuming you setup your app.css correctly, you can define the colors in a service provider.
awcodes5mo ago
Currently doing this in our apps where the frontend and filament are separate.
toeknee5mo ago
So it was down to the tailwind colors class in the end, from v2->v3. Updated based on the filament present, and solved