Filament5mo ago

Option to place introductionary help text on top of ressources?

Hey, I aim for the control panel to be as self-explanatory as possible. Filament does a great job for that with options as helptexts. One thing I can not find though: I want some kind of introtext on top of the listview/create/edit. For example I want to explain what "StripeConnections" are to the user. Is there a default way to do so?
8 Replies
toeknee5mo ago
Placeholder::make('intro')->content() or on the space subheading = 'Please holder text'
sven5mo ago
Thanks @toeknee ! I ended up doing it like this:
public function mount(): void
fn(): View => view('filament.pages.provider.stripe-account-header'),

public function mount(): void
fn(): View => view('filament.pages.provider.stripe-account-header'),

Still seems a bit special for something I would expect many are doing on their own. The standard way for feature-requests is github communities, right?
dissto5mo ago
@sven maybe take a look a shout
Shout by Adam Weston - Filament
A simple inline contextual notice for Filament Forms, basically just a fancy placeholder.
toeknee5mo ago
Where did you put it? Protected $subheading I think is what you’d like be happy with?
awcodes5mo ago
I agree with toeknee. I think subheading is what you are looking for. It will place text under the page’s title and not be part of the form.
sven5mo ago
I put it in my ListView. Subheading is great for very short stuff. But I wanted to put a whole paragraph of text. This is what it looks like
No description
sven5mo ago
I have customers with access to the panel and I need, from time to time explain to them what ressources are for and who they might contact in case they need help or stuff
toeknee5mo ago
In the resource on the table builder:
$table->description('Lorem ipsum dolor')
$table->description('Lorem ipsum dolor')
It might not be want you want as it'll example the table and you want above the table