C#5mo ago

Help to understand Identify Scafold in .net mvc 7

Hi guys I hope that you are fine I just find out that there was an option called scaffold in .net 7, I used identity scaffolding it automatically generates a register and login with validation and securities, amazing isn't it? But I need to customize it for example allow my user to upload a profile picture and display it in the nave bar can someone tell me how to do it or send me a full tutorial on how it works and how to customize it fully according to our needs thanks.
6 Replies
Jimmacle5mo ago
did you look at the documentation for customizing identity?
Jimmacle5mo ago
Identity model customization in ASP.NET Core
This article describes how to customize the underlying Entity Framework Core data model for ASP.NET Core Identity.
McBeth5mo ago
I didn't know about that thanks
Jimmacle5mo ago
based on your other screenshots you're mistakenly thinking that User.Identity is your IdentityUser but that isn't correct User.Identity is just a ClaimsPrincipal containing the user's claims
McBeth5mo ago
Yeah that's the problem I dont know the exact code to display the image on the front-end
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