Key-value filed display reordable auto

For example you have data : 25 => test 1 => test 2 => test the display is : 1 => test 2 => test 25 => test but inside the storage : 25 => test 1 => test 2 => test
6 Replies
Gregory RODRIGUES | ERA2140
the bug come to alpine with template sortable for example you disable reordering and the display it's reordering auto on the display
bernhard5mo ago
If its a bug, you could maybe write an PR.
Gregory RODRIGUES | ERA2140
yes, but i try to find the good solution, beacause it's not my speciality alpine js
Gregory RODRIGUES | ERA2140
for example with the dump the index not respected i find the problem it's beacause the key it's integer the key value it's integer pb of the srialization