Accesing the standard out and standard error stream from the Java process

How do I from javascript access the output streams from the started Java process?
apignotti107d ago
An API for this is in our roadmap, but it's not currently available. It can be achieved by observing the changes to the console element where all the output is written. This was discussed here:
apignotti107d ago
We use this technique for our JavaFiddle, and the source is available:
GitHub - leaningtech/javafiddle: Build, run, and share Java snippet...
Build, run, and share Java snippets in the browser - GitHub - leaningtech/javafiddle: Build, run, and share Java snippets in the browser
jeffreportmill107d ago
Here's another example of a class that subclasses java.lang.Process and returns System.out as an input stream:
jeffreportmill107d ago
SnapCJ/src/snapcj/ at main · reportmill/SnapCJ
A SnapKit adapter for CheerpJ. Contribute to reportmill/SnapCJ development by creating an account on GitHub.
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