C#5mo ago

✅ How do i convert .json to .db for LiteDB?

i jave a json files and i want to convert them to one .db file. whats the best way to do it?
13 Replies
Jimmacle5mo ago
those are entirely different/incompatible formats so you'll need to write a program that reads in the json and writes out a db file
TheGoose5mo ago
yeah, thats what i meant. i would easily do it, but json has places like this and i dont know how to get them
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Jimmacle5mo ago
what do you mean by get? what place?
TheGoose5mo ago
place that has several values (label and scaling) i cant just create a class for them, cause they are different. in some places its 1, 5, 11, 17, in some - 3, 6, 9 and other variations
Jimmacle5mo ago
the "scaling" object maps to a Dictionary<string, string>
Angius5mo ago
MODiX5mo ago
Use https://app.quicktype.io or https://json2csharp.com to generate classes from your JSON
Instantly parse JSON in any language | quicktype
Whether you're using C#, Swift, TypeScript, Go, C++ or other languages, quicktype generates models and helper code for quickly and safely reading JSON in your apps. Customize online with advanced options, or download a command-line tool.
Convert JSON to C# Classes Online - Json2CSharp Toolkit
Convert any JSON object to C# classes online. Json2CSharp is a free toolkit that will help you generate C# classes on the fly.
TheGoose5mo ago
omg thank you, whank you so much
Angius5mo ago
In VS you can also do edit -> paste special -> json as classes Rider has something similar as well
TheGoose5mo ago
can you help me with this?.. it just wont work
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Jimmacle5mo ago
can you not model your entire document as a class? you shouldn't be doing manual things with jarray/etc
TheGoose5mo ago
i just found some guide, i dunno.. i need to convert the whole json to a list, so i can do something with it
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