GEON5mo ago

Frog TKL Parts Help

Hi! With the Frog TKL restock, I'm thinking of getting a new keyboard built. Currently have a Keychron Q3, it's okay but not entirely satisfied. I need help with figuring out everything I need to get. I am looking for a "thoccy" sound signature. Looking to get a hotswappable so I can change swiches in the future. Currently, I have Designer Studio White Jades. Absolutely love the tactility and feel of the bump, but thinking of doing linear switches for this one. I'm leaning towards Oil Kings since they're a little heavier. Are there any other suggestions? For stabs, probably TX stabs or something. Would appreciate a pastel green keycap set suggestion. My biggest question is what should I get from the collections part of the store? I know I need pcb/plate, but which one should I get to get the "thocc"? For PCB, would it just be one of the Apollos for hotswap? Do I need any foams? Not entirely sure what the tadpole pins are for. Thanks!
120 Replies
Cuck Conniseur
Cuck Conniseur5mo ago
Hello buy foam with the power of foam you too can :thocc:
alex5mo ago
you can check this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WH3_q7Y8-cE&pp=ygUIZnJvZyB0a2w%3D probably the most thocky frog's sound I've ever heard, although I don't think it's the best
Leo5mo ago
I don't think buying a Frog will help you much with your desired sound signature
Ednah5mo ago
don't buy a frog then it's not exactly a "thoccy" keyboard
Maximal5mo ago
Hello. I think it's a little hard to recommend according to your preference. Please choose one of several Apollo substrates. You can think of a tadpole as a gasket. It feels different depending on the hardness. Buying foam according to your preference is the best way to increase your satisfaction. I hope it helps.
linoose5mo ago
oh I see, do you have any suggestions? i just heard this was really good do you also have any suggestions? appreciate the feedback
Sinner5mo ago
if you want to get a frog anyway just because you like it, mess around with it, foam will help deepen the sound, but like its been mentioned before it isnt meant to have that sound signature. I have mine with 0 foam MX purples and GMK keycaps but if i were you id go with a long pole switch, foam and pbt keycaps. idk if theres a 1.2mm pcb but maybe look for that as well
Leo5mo ago
Some kind of preferably gasket mount plastic keyboard with a rather thick construction GMK67 and Tes68 immediately come to mind but the Tiger80 lite is also great in that sense since you seem to prefer tkl Then you want to use a lot of foam Poron foam goes in the case if you want a more silent sound and use pe foam as plate foam Pc or Pom plate is also important Idk that much about switch sound science so just use some that you already like For caps, use dye sub pbt ones since dye sub usually contains more pbt than doubleshot They should also be rather thick so something like Shenpo and XMI (CRP if you're a baller) caps The reason why the "thoccc" signature isn't well liked in enthusiast circles (and why you got a pepelaugh reaction on this post) is that all these modding measures take the properties of a good sounding high quality board and make em sound like a keyboard only a fraction of it's price Liking the thock signature is not a bad thing, but please don't waste any money trying to chase after it with good on their own sounding keyboards Buying a Q3 was already a not so great decision on your part tbh @linoose
linoose5mo ago
I see, what is the sound signature it is meant to have, or more suitable for it? I guess I haven't done too much digging and have only scratched the surface I can look into these, thank you for the suggestions! I see, I didn't know that but it makes sense. Is there a deeper sound signature that isn't necessarily "thocc"?
Leo5mo ago
Thocc doesn't really have any real definition
linoose5mo ago
When you say "good on their own sounding keyboards", you mean not really having modifications like foam and whatnot? In this case for the Frog TKL, just buying the barebones kit + some sort of plate and pcb combo?
Leo5mo ago
For me it's deep + muted
linoose5mo ago
This was recommended to me as someone new, and after reading more about other keyboards I also wish I didn't grab it
Leo5mo ago
Having to mod a keyboard means it's not good sounding on its own. With a more premium keyboard like the frog, you're paying for the convenience of not having to really mod it besides changing plates, switches or caps Keychron keyboards excell when bought pre assembled Since you can't really beat the price Buying barebones is just buying a worse Neo series keyboard with the Q series But then you also have to consider the variety in sizes and that they're in stock
Sinner5mo ago
the frog is more ''clacky'' and most people build it with cherry switches for the top out sound of them. If they dont use a cherry switch its prolly a high pitch sounding switch, aka PC bottom and top/ PC nylon combo
linoose5mo ago
Got it, thank you for the info! :noted: What exactly is a cherry switch? Are all Gateron switches also considered cherry switches? or only certain ones?
Sinner5mo ago
cherry is the manufacturer
linoose5mo ago
I see, are there some popular ones people build with? Will have to take a look into it And also look into how the different plates affect the sound
Leo5mo ago
Cherry Browns or Blacks paired with an alu plate is probably the most used combo in the hobby
Sinner5mo ago
plates sound different try to look at keyboards video on plates
Leo5mo ago
Most of the popular sound tests kinda make them all sound the same lol Actual scam
Sinner5mo ago
i wouldnt recommend cherries at the moment, you prolly wont like them right now haha
linoose5mo ago
Hmm would you be able to slightly describe how it'd change depending on aluminum, fr4, or pom? If not that's okay too, I can try to read into it! Oh really! Why is that? Out of curiosity
Leo5mo ago
They want a deep / muted sound, why are you recommending cherries They are like the worst switches to recommend to a beginner seeing as they have to be broken in and lubed in a specific way
Sinner5mo ago
read my message i said i wouldnt
Leo5mo ago
Oh Haha Hey
linoose5mo ago
It's okay, I'm open to any suggestions!
Leo5mo ago
Sinner5mo ago
they are scratchy, but the people that like the cherry switches like them for the scratch its a gooooood scratch id k
Leo5mo ago
I personally call it copium :pepeLMAO: But this is the Geon server so I should stop with cherry slander
Sinner5mo ago
ive tried broken in L+F and SS cherry nixies with no scratch and i dont like them more than stock mx blacks hehe
Leo5mo ago
Stock as in not even lubed??
Sinner5mo ago
aye matey but i do lube and film SS my mx blacks i just wanted to compare a broken in vs stock sooo alu is harder and more ''clacky'' FR4 is more like PC when it comes to sound and it feels more like alu. Pom i havent tried tbh but its on the deeper sound
Leo5mo ago
Pom sounds a little less plasticy / more lively than pc The better option for pretty much every scenario except thock Since you especially want a muted sound
linoose5mo ago
I'm actually not sure what you mean by scratch HAHA
Leo5mo ago
linoose5mo ago
Oooo noted thank you
Sinner5mo ago
this is for the plates
No description
Leo5mo ago
I don't trust that
Sinner5mo ago
like a proper scratchy sound
Leo5mo ago
Brass being deeper than alu is bullshit
Sinner5mo ago
its not
Leo5mo ago
The other way around
Sinner5mo ago
he explains that at the end
Leo5mo ago
Sinner5mo ago
its interesting video ill link it if you want
Leo5mo ago
Keybored has made a couple of these sciency videos and some of his logic doesn't add up In the foam vid he said that adding thicker layers leads to a higher pitched sound
Sinner5mo ago
thats a weird claim
Leo5mo ago
Than thinner ones
linoose5mo ago
yes please!
Leo5mo ago
Sure is
linoose5mo ago
thank you!!
Leo5mo ago
Keybored is also the only one who claims that brass is lower pitched than alu Coincidence??? I think not!
Sinner5mo ago
I think its a case of in practice doesnt apply
Leo5mo ago
The rest of the chart or however you call it makes sense but all of the keyboard guides already say the same
Sinner5mo ago
but ye i can see that when it comes to what switch to use it really is hard to say because at the end of the day the best way to find out is try some out. I never wouldve guessed 8 months ago when i started that i would be mainly enjoying cheery switches. My favorite atm is mx purple.
Leo5mo ago
enJoY YoUr BrOkEN KeYcApS I like heavy tactiles so I have it easy Feel sorry for all the linear using folk
Sinner5mo ago
Geon Stem trimmer FTW
linoose5mo ago
I am completely clueless when it comes to switches I got some White Jades shipped out from China due to hearing about the really nice tactile bump + being a bit heavier
alex5mo ago
can you please share your experience with q3? what do you like/dislike about it? this will help to move on, because you will find lost in all this
Leo5mo ago
Oil Kings have been the go to for decently pre lubed linears for a long while Recently there have been some rumors of the pre lube applications worsening so idk
Sinner5mo ago
they are ok, i didnt like the way they were lubed haha
linoose5mo ago
I do have friends who could help lube and handle switches, and there's a keyboard shop nearby that I'll probably go to for some help
Leo5mo ago
I'd look into BSUN linears
linoose5mo ago
I do like the heavier feeling, but something about the spacebar really really bothers me, it has this weird high pitch to it
Leo5mo ago
Could be the stabs ticking
Sinner5mo ago
what plate does it have ? steel ?
Leo5mo ago
The normal q3 yes The pro and max have pc
Sinner5mo ago
that prolly doesnt help with it
Leo5mo ago
What is your budget Alex? Man what his this post evolved into
Sinner5mo ago
linoose5mo ago
yes! had to look it up and double check
alex5mo ago
it can be really some sort of stabs issue, you don't need to change the board for this only reason, btw you'll need to deal with stabs on frog too, that's kind of mandatory thing
Sinner5mo ago
just get tx stabs omegalul
linoose5mo ago
I see, thank you! I do enjoy a bit more resistance in a key press, I like being able to feel like it better hence really enjoying the tactile bump, but will look into more
Leo5mo ago
Or staebies :)
linoose5mo ago
I did get Staebies lubed for me and whatnot, I really like the backspace
Sinner5mo ago
ye I got a switch for u ! Boba U4T
Leo5mo ago
I'm gonna buy some soon after they weren't in stock everywhere in the EU for months
Sinner5mo ago
heavy tactile and deep sounding
linoose5mo ago
I did try those! I actually went with the White Jades because it was a bit heavier and I like the bump a bit more than the U4Ts
Leo5mo ago
I'd get WS Browns instead of Bobas tbh
Sinner5mo ago
so you want an even heavier bump oof ok damn
Leo5mo ago
WS Heavy Tactiles I use them as well
Sinner5mo ago
was about to say
Leo5mo ago
Fucking brilliant switches
Sinner5mo ago
thats like the option then
Leo5mo ago
Cheap as well Only other option would be Zeal Clickiez lmao Don't think you'd like to get those considering the price
linoose5mo ago
What's the difference between WS Browns vs Bobas? I think White Jades are a bit higher pitched compared to bobas
Leo5mo ago
WS Browns are for one half the price, smoother and have a very similar bump They rival U4TXs Maybe even better than them
Sinner5mo ago
honestly just fucking springs swap some 90g springs into them :shibeshake:
Leo5mo ago
Also an option Depends on if you want a strong tactile bump switch or rather a heavy switch in general
Sinner5mo ago
leo man. ill say one last thing mx purples #1 switch
linoose5mo ago
I think strong tactile bump switch, I think the White Jades have a sharper bump?
Leo5mo ago
Ye I see a lot of people liking them Too small of a bump for me tho probably
Sinner5mo ago
stock no lubing no nothing, and ye its like proper mid bump aka ergo clears
linoose5mo ago
For White Jades, one of the vendors says "They're similar to WS Black in terms of tactility but the sound profile is different." Not sure if that means anything to you, but it seems like you know about WS switches I can attempt to give all the recommendations a try
Leo5mo ago
WS blacks are the heavy tactiles
Sinner5mo ago
try to see some reviews( take them with a grain of salt, its all dependent on setup, audio and keyboard) Look at WS blacks and maybe Durock T1s as well
Leo5mo ago
The heavy tactiles are rather loud so they probably did something about that But I've never really heard of the Jades before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
linoose5mo ago
manufactured by jwk was digging around reddit for heavy tactiles with a stronger bump and found that, had to get some relatives to ship it over from China since they were unavailable in the US for a while
Leo5mo ago
linoose5mo ago
Loud might be okay, but I think I dislike higher pitched
Leo5mo ago
Fuck that
linoose5mo ago
Oh really 😮
Leo5mo ago
I mean It's more of a personal hatred But uh If it's JWK they probably have to be lubed It's not like the WS tactiles are great stock switches but they certainly don't sound as scratchy as stock JWKs I've tried I really thought JWK is dead by now This just ruined my day Thank you
linoose5mo ago
:Shrugeg: I got mine lubed oh sorry :SAJ:
Leo5mo ago
I guess you can compare force graphs To see how similar the bump is
linoose5mo ago
No description
Leo5mo ago
The heavy tactiles have only 45g springs which is quite unique for tactiles
linoose5mo ago
something like this?
Leo5mo ago
linoose5mo ago
Great, thank you! Will have to give both the Browns and Heavy Tactiles a try
linoose5mo ago
thinking of getting some more to try out but too many options HAHA any suggestions?
No description
Leo5mo ago
Damn So The white ones discolor after some time So idk don't get those but it doesn't matter that much They kinda get more beige It's pretty funny Idk what black V2s are I think Gazzew overcooked with this many versions Otherwise The lower the spring weight the stronger the tactile bump for switches with the same tactile mechanism So go 62g They also sound a bit better And do pearl top Also sounds a bit deeper
linoose5mo ago
so white 62g with slow pearl top? thank you so much that is incredibly helpful, was gettin a lil dizzy looking at all that appreciate all the feedback, help, and advice everyone has provided! will probably just get the pom plate, avoid any foams, try out those tactile switches, and go from there
Leo5mo ago
But then again, idk what the V2 is
linoose5mo ago
If anyone has suggestions for some pastel green or sage green keycaps, would also appreciate that hehe Gotcha, I'll do some research once I wake up, thanks again!
Sinner5mo ago
JWK switches require lubing on the leaf, that’s just how it is :MONAKSHRUG:
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