8 Replies
LastPixels4mo ago
im a C++ developer so that's why I don't really know what to do
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Unknown User4mo ago
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LastPixels4mo ago
It is a web application, I made a website: https://fl0w.framer.website, it allows you to play a lot of different games in an emulator/sandboxed in a virtual machine i meant web then
Denis4mo ago
soooo... what are you asking for exactly? For someone to write the GUI for you?
LastPixels4mo ago
Yes @Denis I can do the rest, I just need to full GUI with animations and then I can code all the sandboxing and emulations
Angius4mo ago
Yeah you're not going to find a sucker who writes the complete frontend for you
Denis4mo ago
Sorry no. Advice is free. Development is not
Jimmacle4mo ago
(and you can't offer to pay people for it here either)
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