C#•4mo ago

Rider Info Diagnostic Action Location

I've created an analyzer that emits a diagnostic with the location of a field's type and this works at error and warning levels, but when i set it to info (where i want it) the diagnostic indicator only appears for the first two characters, which would be fine, but if my carrot is on the rest of the type then it doesn't give me the relevant quick fix. Is there a setting for this somewhere?
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10 Replies
Angius•4mo ago
I don't think so. Info is supposed to be small and unobstructive so you can easily gloss over it
Gramore•4mo ago
In visuals i get, but if it messes with quick fixes it's a little annoying
Angius•4mo ago
It's not supposed to be a quick fix, IMHO Just a suggestion, "hey, you can maybe do it differently"
Gramore•4mo ago
Hmm i guess you're right, and that really is the intent I guess just b/c i know it's there i wanted the consistency 😛
Angius•4mo ago
I guess maybe ctrl + <- to move the caret to the start of the word would work?
Gramore•4mo ago
Tbh i don't have that keybind
Angius•4mo ago
Ah, no, sorry, that moves between words
Gramore•4mo ago
<- == backspace? cause mine just yeets stuff as god intented Thanks anyhow 🙂
Angius•4mo ago
<- == left arrow key
Gramore•4mo ago
OOO ic ic, neat