SolidStart Vercel deployment issue with CSR

Hi ! When I go to the website page, it just downloads the HTML with no file extension, nothing is shown in the browser. When I go to /__nitro though, I can see stuff but nothing shows up too, probably because I don't handle 404 yet. Here's my vite configuration :
export default defineConfig({
start: {
ssr: false,
server: { preset: "vercel" }
export default defineConfig({
start: {
ssr: false,
server: { preset: "vercel" }
And you can even find the repository here Is there an issue with my configuration or another issue with CSR ?
10 Replies
Vexcited4mo ago
here's my project settings too, i am using solidstart in a monorepo and i need to build in another directory before building the solidstart project, thats why i had to override stuff
No description
Vexcited4mo ago
and of course i put the root directory as asked
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Vexcited4mo ago
alright so after handling 404s, going to /__nitro (that redirects to /) fixes the issue even though i think that something is still wrong TT
Vexcited4mo ago
is it because the index is in txt format ?
No description
Vexcited4mo ago
content :
No description
Vexcited4mo ago
was able to fix doing vinxi build && cp ./.data/config.json ./.vercel/output/config.json && rm ./.vercel/output/static/index* in my build script in package.json .data/config.json is just this :
"version": 3,
"routes": [
"handle": "filesystem"
"src": "(.*)",
"dest": "/__nitro"
"version": 3,
"routes": [
"handle": "filesystem"
"src": "(.*)",
"dest": "/__nitro"
gabriel4mo ago
why is that way tho? is this a bug?
Vexcited4mo ago
no idea :0akashrug:
gabriel3mo ago
Ryan also was able to
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