GoClient - weird behavior of SetResource()

Salut, I created the following issue some weeks ago https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill-go-client/issues/2 As I got no response, I want to ask if you guys saw it? It would be good if you could comment on that, as this would decide how I implement my flow/script. Thank you.
SetResource() removes existing resource type · Issue #2 · windmill-...
#Describe the bug When calling SetResource() within a Golang script, and providing a path to an existing resource, the resource loses its resource type. For instance, see the folowing. First I had ...
3 Replies
rubenf4mo ago
Sorry for lack of answer, @guillaume if you can take a look
guillaume4mo ago
Sure, sorry about that, I'll take a look shortly and comment on the issue directly
rubenf4mo ago
this is fixed in latest