Halt modal action



Action::make('Process Payment')
->action(function () {

if ($result['success'] == true) {

} else {

Placeholder::make('Payment Status')
->content(function () {
return "sucess";


]), Action::make('Cancel')
->cancelParentActions('Purchase Workshop modal')


Action::make('Process Payment')
->action(function () {

if ($result['success'] == true) {

} else {

Placeholder::make('Payment Status')
->content(function () {
return "sucess";


]), Action::make('Cancel')
->cancelParentActions('Purchase Workshop modal')
- here i want to halt the process or u can say action until it completed then move to next step - is there a way i can do that
1 Reply
_kalyani_4mo ago
Action::make('scan')->label('QR Scanner') ->icon("qrScannerIcon") ->form([ TextInput::make('firstName') ->label('First Name')->required()->extraAttributes(['class' => 'purchase-qr-payment-info']), ]) ->modalFooterActions([ Action::make('Qr registration')->form([ TextInput::make('lastName') ]), ]) Here i want to validate form of the scan when i click the Qr registaration action.