C#4mo ago

I need serious help

I don’t know what it did but it’s showing this and I’m not sure how to fix there’s no errors in the code but it’s only when I try and log in or register it shows that
31 Replies
Jimmacle4mo ago
the video is too low quality to read anything
Noblog;)4mo ago
Let me get a better vid
Noblog;)4mo ago
Noblog;)4mo ago
this better?
Jimmacle4mo ago
ah i see the problem is you're making malicious software and .NET is stopping you nothing you can do about it
Noblog;)4mo ago
oh really? i didnt realise woofers are malicious
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese4mo ago
Noblog;)4mo ago
swap the w with a s
Jimmacle4mo ago
z0mb4mo ago
Title of the thread checks out.
Nox4mo ago
!ban 1203022291458457640 Making a woofer. It me. woof.
Waffles from Human Resources
:SCshocked: It fascinates me that people search help for malicious software on official communities / forums
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese4mo ago
I want to write software that takes fractional cents from rounding and gives it to my account.
Waffles from Human Resources
Yes I love this Funniest shit I've read today
Jimmacle4mo ago
didn't know it was malicious but knows not to directly call it what it is
Waffles from Human Resources
Fr lmao The soofer It's funny how every single piece of software like this looks like the same It feels like they all copy from the same tutorial or smth Not to mention that corner red on pitch black is a bold design choice.
Jimmacle4mo ago
i'm gonna be honest i don't even know what kids are calling spoofers these days
Waffles from Human Resources
Usually it's just called spoofer they don't even bother hiding anymore
Jimmacle4mo ago
i mean i don't know what it does :KEKW:
Jimmacle4mo ago
it's just obviously something hacky
Waffles from Human Resources
I'm not too sure but I think it was smth like hiding or changing data For example if you get banned from a game and they HWID ban you, you can "spoof" your HWID so it's a different one
Jimmacle4mo ago
yeah but they never qualify what it spoofs it's just a "spoofer"
Waffles from Human Resources
There's also things like TLS spoofers which can allow for request related stuff but that's way out of my knowledge Ye lmao Also just to clarify I don't make spoofing Software neither am I in contact with it I just know about them :SCshocked: Btw can I ask how you got the associate role? I've seen a ton of people with that role or even other roles but I don't see any role channels or ways to get any
Jimmacle4mo ago
MODiX4mo ago
:RoleRegular: There are three tiers of regular. This role is automatically assigned based on your XP in this guild - based on activity. Tier I at level 7, Tier II at level 15, and Tier III at level 20. Level 20 enables special consideration for campaigns to Associate. :RoleAssociate: Associates are trusted members of the guild. They've proven to be knowledgeable and help drive the community of the guild. Associates are voted in by other associates and staff through campaigns. There is no time requirement to obtain this role. :RoleModerator: Moderators are part of the staff team who help administrators. :RoleAdministrator: Administrators, pretty self explanatory, this one.
Jimmacle4mo ago
tl;dr i was voted in against my will
Waffles from Human Resources
Lmao Thanks!
arion4mo ago
serves him right, for using winforms :TeeHee:
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese4mo ago
One of the most powerful phrases...
You Belong.
One day maybe