C#4mo ago

WinForms blazor login sytem

I'm doing a project in windowsforms with blazor in C#, the objective is to create a login system, I have the database already connected and the implementation of blazor with winforms is already done, it's giving me an error in the program class, I think which could be due to my check that I made between the program and the database in the login layout to confirm whether the user and password are correct or incorrect, the error I am facing is this: InvalidOperationException: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components. Forms.InputText requires a value for the 'ValueExpression' parameter. Normally this is provided automatically when using 'bind-Value'. The code and the error is in the images
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6 Replies
leowest4mo ago
have u tried googling the error? the first result seems very similar to yours
tdgamer4mo ago
send me the link please
leowest4mo ago
Stack Overflow
InputText requires a value for the 'ValueExpression' parameter
I want to be able to render a form with Blazor (Server Side Rendering) but I am not getting the right syntax. <EditForm Model="@Model" OnValidSubmit="@SubmitValidForm">...
tdgamer4mo ago
I did what was in stakoverFlow and now I have this other error: InvalidOperationException: Error: No element is currently associated with component 1
leowest4mo ago
and have u tried googling for it
tdgamer4mo ago
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